Part 1

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"And I will see you, in the next one. Bye Bye!" I had to wrap this video up because I promised Jack that I would meet up with him for lunch. I was already running late and didn't even have time to do my hair or change my clothes, I ran to my car and did my hair in the mirror.

When I got to the café I could see Jack in the window, he was looking down at his phone. I just assumed that he was texting.

I walked into the café, he didn't notice me. I peered over his shoulder to try and scare him, but then. I couldn't help but notice that in one of his texts was a love heart emoji. My heart stopped, I don't even know why. I just felt so weird. Jack must have heard me breathing and quickly turned around. He looked at me as if I was going to kill him.

"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me!" Jack said with a bit of a chuckle at the end. Then he stood up to hug me. I hugged him back the sat opposite him. We talked about everything you could think of that evening. We even talked about UNDERTALE references for a while.

When I got home I couldn't help but think about what I saw on Jacks phone. I mean he's my friend and I looked at one of his texts! But there was a heart, which usually means love right? Why is this any of my business? The whole night was restless, In was lucky if I got an 1 hour of sleep. But no matter how tired I was I had to make a video in the morning.

In the morning, after the video. I collapsed on my bed from pure extortion. But then I got a pain in my head. Probably from a lack of sleep, I got up to get some water when I started to feel dizzy.

I promised Jack that I would meet him at the park for a reading your comments. He must have gotten worried and came here. He found me on the floor of my kitchen and tried to wake me up.

When I came through I just say Jacks face and a bright light behind him. He was kneeling down and flashing a torch past my eyes to get me to focus.

"Mark... Mark, Mark!"

My eyes focused and I realized what had happened.

"Mark what happened? I came in here because you didn't show or answered any of my calls, and you were just lying here on the floor." Jack said worried and relieved.

"I didn't get much sleep last night... and, I got a headache. So I went to get some water but, I guess I fainted." My headache was worse now but I didn't want to tell Jack.

"Mark. You can't keep doing that to yourself. Stop getting up so early to make videos, you need some rest." He pulled me up and put my arm around his shoulder. I still felt a little bit dizzy but Jack was helping me so I knew that I was okay. He put me on my bed and then went to get some water.

For the brief moment when he was gone, I started to think. When I woke up from the kitchen floor Jack's face looked so worried. Did, I have feelings... For my best friend?

When Jack came back I tried so hard not to do anything stupid. He gave me a glass of water and put my phone next to the glass of water on the table beside me. He told me to call him if anything was wrong, and that he would at the apartment that he was recording in, which wasn't far away from here. And then he left.

I stayed in bed for the day, Jack came in to visit me twice just to make sure I was okay. While I was in bed I didn't even realize that I forgot to upload my video. I usually freak out when something like that happens, but this time. All I could think about was Jack.

In the morning I woke up and looked at the time. It was 12:41 in the afternoon. My headache wasn't there anymore but I still felt really lousy and couldn't believe that I had missed another day of recording.

I lay in bed for a little while longer and then decided to call Jack to asked what happened. I couldn't really remember most of it but I think that I would be worth the call.

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