Part 4

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This story may contain some sad and tragic parts


Hey Ninja's 

Realy sorry about not having an update sooner I have tried to get one up as fast as I can.😌 Hope you like it 😊

Jacks Pov

"Jack!" I yelled out as Marks car speed away. It was near the middle of the night and everything was dark, the street lights and the lights on the back of Marks car were all I could see.

What just happened? Why was he jealous... What... Why? I couldn't put anything together... I looked up the road, Mark was speeding a lot.

"Jesus Mark, slow down," I muttered to myself.

Suddenly out of the next street came a black pick-up truck, and I slammed into the side of Marks car. I didn;t know what to do...

"MARK!!!" I ran and ran and ran. I didn't care about that fact that we fought, He had to be okay, he had to be okay!

I knew that I was losing breath but that didn't matter. I got to the car and knelt down and smashed the window with my fist. Mark was unconscious and was bleeding from the head. Tears filled up my eyes, I looked at the man coming out of the pick-up truck.

"CALL FOR HELP!" I yelled at him the loudest I have ever heard my self-yell before.

The man dialed on his phone, his hands were shaking. I punched the window of the passenger seat and squeezed through the window. Mark was moaning and his eyes were only slightly open and there was blood on his forehead and there was a giant piece of metal through the left side of his body. I up buckled his seat belt and then tried to pull him through the crashed window.

Mark screamed so loud I nearly cried, I realized that the metal was attached to the seat still and I had to either wait for the ambulance or break the connection of the metal. If I got Mark out now I may risk him bleeding out, but that would save time when help comes. If I leave him here he will surely bleed-out.  

I had to act fast. Mark suddenly fainted and I knew that I had to get him out of there. I found where the metal was coming from and saw the weak part. I kicked the metal four times before it gave in. I pulled Mark out of the car trying as hard as I could to not move the splint of metal that was still coming out of his side. I pulled him onto the road, there were only a few cars around and I could hear the sirens of the ambulance about a block away. Mark was bleeding out fast, I put my hands on the wound to try and stop the bleeding. My tears started to dry up. I just looked at Marks' face, it was bone white. The sirens came closer, the closer they came I felt Mark was dying faster. I wanted to scream, all I could think about was Mark. It felt like my world was now only Mark.

"You can't die... You can't die..." I muttered under my staggering breath. "You can't leave... You can't leave me. This is all my fault." I couldn't keep it together, I started to cry again. I was hoping that this was all just a cruel joke and Mark would come back up and say "gotch'ya!" I hoped that eery thing could go back to when we were yelling and I could punch myself. 

The ambulance came... they lifted him on to a stretcher... I got into the ambulance and watched Mark be bandaged by the paramedics...

We got to the hospital... I walked with the doctors to a room where we waited for another doctor.

I sat in a seat next to the bed Mark was in, all I could hear was the beeping of the heart monitor. 

"Mark, I know you can't hear me right now, but I really want to say..."

Beep... Beep... Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

"Mark? MARK! NURSE! SOMEONE!" A nurse ruched in and loked at the monitor the rushed over and pushed a green button that set of an alarm.

"What's going on?"

"Sir you have to leave now."

"Wait what?" I was panicking so much. Doctors started coming into the room. I started screaming, two guys came up behind me and pulled me towards the door. I started kicking and kicking. Three men came up to Marks now dead body.

"CLEAR!" His body jolted. But that was the only movement he made. I stopped screaming and stopped pulling against the two men, I felt like my heart stopped for a second. They took me out of the room and the doors closed, 

I couldn't remember what happened after that. But I woke up in a different area of the hospital. There weren't any other patients, and it looked more like a basement actually. 

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