3. drinks and a jealous heart

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Barry returned after a short 10 minutes and took a deep breath. Quinn was still sitting behind the computer but was now engaged in a conversation with Cisco about a new movie that recently came out. She looked up at Barry and smiled.

'Good job, Flash'

'I should thank you, you were incredible!' Barry beamed, taking his mask off.

'Nah, I just winged it' Quinn replied.

'Yeah, where did you even learn how to hack into the systems of high secured buildings?' Cisco questioned with interest.

'I never said architecture was my only interest in college... I also had a lot of time on my hands next to my freelance job'

'Well, thank god you did' Cisco smiled. 'Otherwise Barry would have been fried'

'Thanks for the reminder, Cis' Barry replied.

'Mr. Ramon, how far are you with the suit for Miss. Daniels?' Dr. Wells asked.

'Good. Great, actually. I decided not to go for a traditional suit like Barry's but you'll see. I think it will be done tomorrow. Just some little finishes.' Cisco replied.

'Have you found that thing yet? The one that you showed me and I told you to track down?' Wells asked, looking at Cisco with great interest. Cisco nodded.

'Yes, I did. They had one left in Keystone, it should be here tonight.'


Barry, Caitlin and Quinn looked at the two in confusion.

'What exactly are you talking about?' Barry questioned.

'Just something special for Miss. Daniels' said Dr. Wells. 'But you'll see tomorrow.'

'Alright then.' Barry turned to Quinn, Caitlin and Cisco. 'You guys wanna get dinner somewhere. Big Belly Burger?'

'I love Big Belly Burger. So yes, please' Quinn said.

'Sounds good to me' Cisco replied, gathering his stuff.

'Dr. Wells?' Barry asked, looking at the man in the wheelchair.

'I'm alright. Thank you, Mr Allen' Wells smiled.

'Let's go then' Caitlin said. Barry speed changed back into his normal clothes and the group walked out of the Cortex, leaving Dr. Wells on his own.


'So, what do you think of your time at S.T.A.R. Labs so far?' Caitlin asked.

'It's awesome actually. I knew when I found out about my powers that it would change my life. It brought me you guys. It gave me a new family' Quinn replied.

'We're glad to be your family' Cisco said. God, he wished he could be something more than that to her. She was perfect for him. 

'Thank god, now I finally have another female friend around' Caitlin added. Quinn threw a smile at her. 

'And I have a partner to keep Central City safe with' Barry said, putting his hand on Quinn's. The girl smiled at him. Cisco looked the other way. Why was Barry so bold all of a sudden. 

' Thanks guys. That really means a lot to me' Quinn chuckled, pulling her hand back from under Barry's, grabbing her glass and taking a sip of her water.

'When exactly did you find out that you had powers?' Caitlin asked, handing Cisco the ketchup.

'Just a couple months ago. I was working on a new sketch for a building when I got frustrated. I pushed the sketch book away from me and before I knew it was on fire. I panicked and tried to wave it around to stop the fire. I know, kinda stupid. Then a blast of wind came from my hands and the fire was out... that's when I freaked out even more. That day I tried so many things and found out about the elements. I experimented with them for the past months.'

'Well, I gotta say, they're awesome powers. You're great addition to the team' Barry smiled. Quinn chuckled and Cisco softly sighed. Since when was Barry so good with compliments?

'Cisco told me you have no idea how many meta humans were created by the particle accelerator explosion' Quinn asked. 

'Our guess.. a lot..' Caitlin said. 'We've tracked quite a few down already'

'Yeah, usually an evil one pops up and decideds they want to destroy the city or rob a bank. Like Caitlin said, we already caught a few of them and locked them up in our meta human prison aka the pipeline' Cisco explained.

'We had one called The Weather Wizard who had the ability to control the weather, but he died' Barry added.

'Captain Cold' Caitlin said.

'And probably the biggest dick of them all. Hartley Rathaway, better known as Pied Piper' Cisco spat. 'I'm so glad we locked that little piece of-..'

'I've heard of Captain cold' Quinn started. 'He wasn't a meta-human, but just a criminal right? Got his hands on a cold gun from S.T.A.R. Labs and tried to take down Central City'.

Caitlin leaned in closer. 'How did you know about the stolen gun?'.

'Well, it's not  like you can buy something like that in a store. Besides, when I found out about my powers, I wanted to know if there were more like me. I stumbled upon some information, all of it leading back to S.T.A.R. Labs and the explosion of the Particle Accelerator'

'You're quite clever...to figure that all out' Cisco said.

'I did what I had to do'. There was a minute of silence.

'Alright. This was a fun evening, but I'm going to go home. I need some sleep if I want to have a decent mood tomorrow. See you guys' Caitlin yawned, standing up. She grabbed her jacket from the back of the chair and threw it around her shoulders. Cisco followed her actions.

'Yeah, I should head back home as well'. He looked at Quinn, hoping that she wanted to leave as well. He wanted to offer her a drive home, but the girl kept seated.

'Then we'll just order some more drinks for the two of us' she said to Barry. 'I'd love to hear some up close Flash stories.'

'You're gonna need a lot of drinks. I've got some good ones' Barry smiled.

'It's a date' Quinn jokingly laughed. 

'Have fun you two' Cisco mumbled, his head hung low. He knew she didn't mean 'It's a date' as an actual date, but he felt awful hearing that. He could've stayed too, but it would be weird if he sat back down again and suddenly decided to stay. He was such an idiot.

'See you tomorrow, sleep tight' Quinn smiled at him. Cisco waved and followed Caitlin out of the door.

War Of Hearts // Cisco Ramon (REWRITING CHAPTERS)Where stories live. Discover now