Chapter 5

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Here it is, the chapter I promised that would be out tonight. Sorry it's taken me so long to get this out there for you guys. I've had some writer's block on this story for a while and have finally written some stuff I'm happy about.


I close my eyes and step up to the men at the doors. I get that same feeling as the first time I'd done this. I felt nervous and on edge, yet ready for whatever lay ahead. After everyone finished fussing over the dress back home, I was rushed into a carriage and taken straight to King Raymond's palace. I knew the road all too well. Mostly due to the countless trips to visit my friend Snow White when I was younger. Her father remarried a few days before and decided to throw a ball as a form of celebration.

I look down and straighten my dress before I enter the grand ballroom. To be honest, it's was larger than I'd remembered. Maybe it's because the place is filled with people and I've never seen it so packed before. I am lead to the front by one of the escorts and straight to where the king and queen sit.

The woman, Isadora, definitely creeps me out as soon as I see her. I don't know why, but I felt as though evil is radiating off of her. A chill runs down my spine as the words flash through my mind. I have to fight to keep myself from shivering.

"Hello, dear," King Raymond says, smiling wide at me.

"Hello, your majesty." I reply bashfully.

The queen just stares at me, making me feel more and more uncomfortable. It's horrible, being scrutinized so openly. I look down at my dress to make sure there's nothing wrong with it. I don't find anything wrong with it.

I look around the room, scanning for Snow...nowhere in sight. Hmm. For some reason, that thought doesn't bode very well with me. I turn back to face the king, trying not to make eye contact with Isadora.

"The place looks lovely this evening." I say, following the list of things my mother told me I was allowed to say. Seriously, I just think that she needs to relax and live a little.

"Thank you, darling. My lovely Isadora put all the decorations together. To be honest, if I had done this, it wouldn't look nearly as grand." he says in a staged whisper.

I smile politely and nod, then say that I should let him get on with greeting his other guests. He smiles and says something about how Snow should be down soon and that she'll be excited to see me. I nod and quietly slink into the shadows.

Once alone, I take a deep breath and sigh. I'm just starting to relax when someone pokes me on the shoulder. Startled, I jump and turn around, finding a smiling Snow White standing behind me. I place a hand over my heart, waiting for it to calm a bit.

"Wow! You should have seen the look on your face just then," she says with a giggle.

I glare at her for a moment and look around us. "Well, just be glad I didn't hurt one of us."

I wake a moment to look over her dress. It's definitely not something a person would wear out on the town, but it's similar. It looks gorgeous on her. The different colors seem to bring out her eyes in a way only a true artist can. The gold skirt stands a deep contrast with the blue bodice, but compliments her tawny eyes. Her pale skin is almost creamy above the blue of her dress and her long raven hair is pulled up in an elaborate style.

She just waves me off and starts pulling me around the dance floor. "There's someone I want you to meet. He'd be a great suitor...and he's a prince."

She waggles her eyebrows when I give her a look of terror. I don't want to get married - at least, not for another few years. And she knows this. She rolls her eyes at the look in mine and continues to drag me through the room. I take some comfort from the fact that I actually know more people here than I'd known at the last ball. I even smile at a few people I know and try to ignore the fact that she's trying to set me up.

I almost run right over her when she suddenly stops in front of me. I clench my teeth and try to stop stumbling. She giggles and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Hello Anthony, this is Skylar. I remember how you told me you wanted to meet her once she showed up." she says and I look at her with a little alarm in my eyes.

She looks pointedly at me before turning to the guy with this Anthony - whom I still haven't even glanced at. She starts chatting animatedly with him as I look up. Okay, Anthony is handsome. In the short-cropped blond hair, brown eyes, muscular type of way. I take the chance to glance at the guy Snow's talking to: Prince Julian. He's definitely one of the prettier princes. Mostly because his flawless skin, dark brown hair, and piercing icy-blue eyes.

"Hello, I'm Anthony." the guy in front of me says, holding out his hand.

I look at it for a moment before realizing he want me to shake it. ", you can call me Skye." I say, averting my eyes.

"Would you care to dance?" he asks and I look at him, shocked.

"You want to dance with me?" I ask, not believing he'd ask without being told to.

He just smiles and drags me onto the dance floor. As we start to dance, I look up into his eyes. When he starts asking me questions about who I am, I just answer without thinking. We talk about my dad, how I take the medicine to the people in my village, I even tell him that I had a fight with my best friend - not the why, but the fight. I don't even realize I'm crying until he pulls me closer and wraps me up in a giant hug.

I close my eyes as we continue to dance and try to ignore the people around us - they're probably talking about us. Judging they way I'm letting him hold me - a perfect stranger.

As another tear falls down my cheek something starts to feel off. I blink a few times and pull back from Anthony. When I look into his eyes I can tell he's worried. I start blinking again and back away a bit. He glances at the people around us and grabs my hand. As he leads me outside my ears start ringing. When I squeeze my eyes shut against the pain, he hurries us outside.

I feel a lot better once the cool air washes over my face.

He grabs my hands and starts staring into my eyes. I take a deep breath and look into his eyes, feeling a little better. He smiles when he notices my body starting to relax, my tense shoulders lowering and feeling like a huge load has finally left me.

"Are you okay?" he asks, watching me closely.

No sooner than I nod my head, my head feels like someone's trying to squish it. I reach up and cover my ears, trying to see if that will help. Then something in my stomach starts to feel like it's ripping apart. I fall down to my hands a knees and everything just hurts.

"It's gonna be okay." I hear a voice say and a soothing hand rubs my hair.

Then I just black out.

Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think. Also, I'd like to thank @MrMumbles for helping me in a way that, honestly, doesn't make sense when I think about it. This chapter's dedicated to you!

Always Yours,


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