Chapter 6

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When I wake, I take note that I'm not in my room. Not in my own bed. My head hurts and I have no clue where I am. I squeeze my eyes and start to roll off the bed when I run into something solid. 

My eyes fly open and I see a sleeping Snow next to me. My eyes scan the room and I see a familiar blond head resting peacefully - yet, uncomfortably - on a chair next to the bed on my other side. He's crossed his arms on the side of the bed and has lain his head on top of them. His face is slightly turned toward me. He looks serene as he sleeps. I smile and shake my head. 

Well, now I'm trapped. Sigh.  

I carefully pull myself toward the headboard and gather my legs close to me. I try hard to keep from waking them and go the restroom. When I look into the mirror, I see that my eyes are more vivid than usual. 

I wonder why... 

Then I remember what happened at the dance. I drop to the floor and hold my face in my hands. How worried everyone must have been. My parents are probably worried sick and Mother must be making a fuss! She always does...and poor Anthony - he must have been sick with worriment. No wonder I'm in a place I don't know! They were probably too afraid that they'd make it worse by moving me. You know, more than the some odd feet to an upstairs room.  

A deep throbbing in my head reminds me of the searing pain from the night before. How could something hurt so bad? It was horrible, all I can remember thinking was that I'd just wanted the pain to stop...and then thanking God when it was - right before my world went black. The abyss I'd floated in was a happy reprieve from that feeling, and I'd welcomed it - at first. Then, I remember fear...fear that I'd never see the light again. Fear to never see Kaige again - or Rumple.  

I feel stupid for even fighting with my friend...because we only have so much time together before one of us is gone. It only takes a second to loose someone you love forever... 

"Where is she?!" I hear a familiar voice in the other room.  

I look down at the nightgown one of Snow's Lady's Maids must have put on me during the night. I shrug, knowing that I have no choice but to wear this in front of everyone. 

I slowly make my way back to the room and notice everyone's nervous expressions. When my eyes meet with my best friend's we rush to each other and he wraps his arms tight around me. 

"I'm so sorry! I came as soon as I heard the news." he says, holding me tighter. 

"Well, you got here pretty fast." I say with a small laugh. 

When he pulls back and looks at me with concerned eyes, I glance at the others in the room. They all look like I've suddenly grown three heads or something. 

"What?" I ask nervously. 

"'ve been out for three days," Snow says, walking over to me slowly. 

I look around at them in alarm. "How is that possible? It was only a really bad headache." 

"We don't know...even the nearest physician couldn't figure it out. We'd hoped your father could help us figure out what's wrong but..." Snow starts but seems like she couldn't finish. She looks at Rumple for assistance. 

"Skye, dearie, it seems your father's caravan was attacked along the road by some bandits." he says, giving me a look. 

"Oh, goodness, is he okay?" I ask, glancing at Anthony for a second. 

"It seems...well, he didn't make it." Snow stutters, tears flowing down her face. "Your mother was also with him." 

"Was?" I ask, afraid. 

"We think they took her. The only reason we even knew she was with them was because one of the riders with them was well enough to tell us the news. He's at the Inn in town if you'd like to speak with him, dearie." Rumple says and I bite my lip. 

With tears falling freely down my face, I turn and bury my face in his shirt. Loud, moaning sobs wrack through me for what feels like an eternity. Rumple jusr hold me tightly and lets me come to terms with the news. 

I've lost my parents...both of them. I can't believe it. I'm never going to see my father's smirk. Never hear my mother freak out over something as trivial as a tare in one of her napkins. Never argue about going into the village - because there'd be no reason to...other than to see Rumple and Kaige. The people will probably get sick and I'll have no way of helping them. 

I have no medical skills. Trust me, I tried to help my father and almost managed to blow up his infirmary. I laugh at the memory and then cry harder at the fact that I won't be experimenting with my father anymore. 

"It's okay, dearie, I'll be here for you like you were for me." Rumple says, stroking my hair. 

"Um... there's also some other bad news." Snow says, and I look up in alarm at the struggle in her voice. 

More tears fall down her face as she looks at me with hopeless eyes. I rush over to her and hug her. 

"What's wrong, Snow?" I ask, resting my chin lightly on her shoulder. 

"We've also lost the king, Skye." she says as a tear drops onto my shoulder, soaking through my gown. "I have no father as well."


Wow! Weren't expecting that, huh? Personally, my biggest fear is to lose my parents. I love them and would be completely devastated to lose one of them - but both? That's crazy and horrible....well, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. There are probably a lot of errors in grammar and spelling, but it's a good emotional scene. Other than the reason behind the emotion, I like this one.

Always yours,


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