Chapter 20

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The sound of a twig breaking wakes me. I jump up and start to look all around me for any signs of an intruder. I hear a growling's close. I look around me carefully for a moment before realizing the sound is coming I straighten up to my full height, noticing that I'd crouched down into some sort of springy position. I don't know what to call it, but I know that if something were to jump out at me right now, it would allow me to follow any instinct that hit me.

Apparently, that also means growling...

another twig breaks and Beauty's eyes pop open and she springs up onto her feet. Wow, that's a surprising move for an animal so large.

"We need to get out of here." she says and I nod in agreement.

I quickly scurry around, trying to get everything least I'd listened to her and only loosened her saddle last night to where she could be comfortable. All I have to do is tighten it up a bit and climb up. Grabbing my blanket in her teeth as she takes off, we dart through the forest.

She moves fast as an arrow as she weaves through the foliage and break-neck speed. I cling to the reigns tightly, trying to keep myself upright. My ears catch a strange whizzing noise.

I realize too late what it is and an arrow hits Beauty in her left hind leg. With a yelp of pain, she go tumbling to the ground. I fly a good three yards from where she is and nearly hit my head on a rock.

"Oh, no!Beauty are you okay?" I practically scream as I scramble over to her.

She nods, :Yeah, I'm fine."

She tries to get up and instantly falls back down. She tries a few more times but can't seem to get her footing. When the sound of feet start pounding toward our direction she gives me a look I automatically don't like.

"Leave! Get out of here." she says, pushing against me with her nose.

"No!We're getting out of her...together." I say and move to her side, trying to push her onto her feet.

"Don't make me force you to go on." she says in warning.

I choose to ignore this and continue pushing against her. Suddenly, she starts snapping her teeth at me. I dodge them as I continue my efforts to help her up. She waits until I stop checking where her teeth are and deftly nips my shoulder. Not enough to draw blood, but it certainly hurts.

I yelp in pain and fall back.

"Get out! Get out or...." I can tell she's trying to communicate, but I can no longer hear her voice.

I look up and see a group of soldiers heading our way. I pull my hood more securely over my ears and nod at Beauty. I mouth the words 'I love you' to her and she simply nods. A tear escapes my eye and I turn over my shoulder and dart off into the woods, trying to put enough distance between the guards and me so I can double back and help Beauty.

Jump when I think I night be safe, I hear something behind me. In mid-run I look back and don't notice the man stepping out in front of me. I'm barely able to dart around him when something slices along the back of my calf. I yell out in pain and fall down, rolling down the small cliff I hadn't noticed is there. When I hit the bottom, I hear a cracking noise. I bite my lip and shoot up to my feet.

Something hurts - more than I care to admit, in fact. But I push myself to keep moving. I run until I don't hear anything other than the small sounds of the bugs living under the dirt.

Once I feel safe I stop and lean up against a large rock, sinking down into the ground. I take the moment to examine my leg. I have a deep gash from what must have been a sword or dagger of some kind. I unlace my boot and slowly take it off, wincing in pain.

I gasp when I see the swollen, black and blue shape that was my ankle. I wince again as I slip my foot back into my shoe and lace it back up. Suddenly, something wet hits my cheek and I look up. Snow's falling freely all around me. I reach out for my bag and realize I no longer have it...all I have is the bow and quiver strapped to my back and a sword in a belt around my waist. I sigh and remove the weapons from my body. It's obvious I won't be moving for a while.

My head's spinning and I see black dots clouding my vision. My eyes won't focus on anything as they slowly start drooping in exhaustion. I hear a set of footsteps muffled from the now thick layer of snow around me...when had it gotten so deep? There's almost three inches of the wet, cold stuff surrounding me.

Just as my world goes black I see a pair of boots making their way towards me. A soft voice and gray-green eyes appear right in front of me. I shut my eyes for a moment, feeling a tad safe.

"Are you okay?" a voice says. "Who are you?"

"Sk...Skye, my name's Skye."

My world goes black...and all I fell is a numbing cold.


"What?!" That's what you're currently screaming in your head. What's going to happen? Who's found her? Are they friend or foe? Why does Kera have to write in such cliffhangrs?!

I understand, I'm quite mad at myself too right now. But, honestly, I can't really see right now becuase I've already taken out my contacts and basically wrote this chapter blind and in the dark. I'm vvvveeeerrrrryyyy sorry about any grammar problems or strange wording.

Please remember to vote and comment on what you think. ;)

Always yours,


The HuntressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon