Chapter 14

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"Oh, look! The love-birds have finally decided to join us. Gonna give each other a little kiss before the road and let the rest of us fuss over the fact we'll never share what you two do?" he says laughing and making kissy faces.

"Why don't I just smack you in the head and we can all laugh at the blush you get every time I get a hit in?" I say with a smirk.

The guys all start laughing and hitting John in the back, asking if he'll let me get away with talking smack about him. I roll my eyes and walk over to my horse...looks like Will saddled her up for me. I smile and feel someone walk up behind me.

"It's not nice to make fun of him all the time." Robin says and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well, he does make it easy." I say, pretending to sound distraut.

"Eh, he does...but it's only because he likes you. Maybe not romantically, but he definitely likes you. Even so much as to tell me that if someone - anyone - were to hurt you, they'd pay. He's a loyal's why I keep him around." my brother says with a wink.

I smile and he helps me onto my horse. "You know, I don't really need the leg-up."

"I know."

As we enter the town I hear people hollering and wailing about something and hop off my horse. Silently, I hand will the reigns and veer off in the direction of the sound. I'm just about to turn the corner when a large hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me back. I'm pushed into the wall as Allan holds his hand over my mouth.

We listen as the voices get louder.

"You'd better keep quiet snow sympathizer!" a man says in a harsh voice.

"No! I would never go against the law, I promise." a girl says with desperation in her voice.

I look up at Allan with concerned eyes. He nods at me and looks down the block to where we'd left the others. I spare only a second to wonder why Will hadn't come after me before I hear footsteps coming closer. I can tell the girl is struggling and a plan starts to formulate in my head. I tug Allan's hand off my mouth.

"I have a plan...follow my lead." I say and he furrows his brow in confusion.

The sound of their feet is getting closer by the second and I can tell she's trying to get free. I sigh and look Allan in the eyes. Man, I hope he'll forgive me for the later...

"Guess who." I say, my ears focusing on the sounds of the girl.

"Who?" he asks in confusion.

I lean forward and plant my lips on his, he freezes for a moment - eyes wide. Slowly his eyes close and he pushes me back into the wall behind me, his hands gently cupping my face just as the guard drags the girl around the corner.

"Now, we're taking you straight....what's going on here?" I hear a voice yell in anger.

Allan jumps back in shock and looks between the man and me.

"You!" the guard says, letting go of the girl and lunging at Allan.

Allan ducks at the last second and the man goes flying into the wall. I rush over and grab the girl, dragging her in the direction of Robin and the others. Once we round the last corner the girl stops dead in her tracks. I skid to a stop and turn to her.

"Robin?" she says, and I turn to look at my brother with questioning eyes.

I hear a crash behind me and decide to question this all later. I run back to where I left Allan fighting the guard and stop dead in my tracks. There are at least five more guards surrounding him. I start to rush over to him but he looks up at me and shakes his head. A tear escapes my eyes as the guards close in on him and start to take him away.

"No!" I scream and run at them.

The large one who had been dragging the girl around turns to me and smirks. I narrow my eyes on him as my senses zone in on his heart beat. I'm seeing red again. How dare he try to hurt my friend! Someone who's like family to me...I clench my teeth and hurl myself at him. We go toppling to the ground as he tried to get the upper hand. I hear on e of the others coming close and jump up with lightning speed, hitting him square in the chest - he flies about a yard away and curls into himself in pain. My feet are kicked out from under me as I feel someone grabbing my wrists and putting iron cuffs on them.

Angry, I try to break my bonds to no avail. When I'm lifted to my feet I make eye contact with Allan. He's crying and looks disappointed. I look down in shame as my vision returns to normal.

I hear running as the guards toss us into a barred buggy types carriage. Just as we start to ride off toward the Sheriff's castle. Robin finally catches up to us just in time for the gates to close. I close my eyes as they take us to the dungeon.

"You should have gone back." Allan says as soon as they lock us in one of the cells.

"I know...but I couldn't." I say as I sit down on the hard, hay covered floor.

He walks over to me and puts an arm around my shoulder, heaving a sigh. "I know why you did it...the kiss, I mean. It was a good distraction."

I smile at him and lean on his shoulder. "I knew you'd catch on."

"The only real problem the guy had with it though," he chuckles under his breath, "was that he thought I was kissing a guy. He told me I was some kind of sick bastard."

I laugh with him and yawn. He chuckles and rests his head on top of mine. I sigh and listen to people walking through the castle. Maids, the council, noble man, all those people working in the kitchen and throughout the castle. My eyes slowly start drooping and I feel safe with Allan.

Just as I start to fall asleep I hear, faintly, "I know you probably can't hear me but, if you were mine, I'd make sure you were as far from this place as possible. I'm not like Robin, he's stupid to let Marion in this place."


Another chapter ready...couldn't sleep and I guess I know why now. My brain just wanted this one out there. Hope you guys enjoy this one and comment on what you think!

Always yours,


The HuntressDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora