"Here they come!"

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Zoey and Francis move out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Maybe we'll get lucky and find some loot," Francis says. His voice is low and grumbly, and is making Zoey's stomach dip and flip.

She focuses on his leather clad back as they climb the stairs. Now is not the time to be distracted by a husky, masculine voice.

Really, Zoey? You could die at the hands of a crazed zombie, and you're thinking of his voice? Get it together, girl. Get. It. Together.

"Hey! Looky here! A Molotov."

"Yeah?" she asks, moving around his large frame to take a look inside the bedroom he's standing in. "Time to start some fires!"

Francis laughs, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. He smiles down at her. "You're a little firebug, ain't ya?"

She grabs the brown glass bottle, sliding it down into her back pocket. "You gotta admit, fire has come in pretty handy a time or two."

"Can't argue that."

Together, they scour the rest of the room. In the adjoining bathroom, they gather what medical supplies they can find. As they move to search the other rooms, they hear Louis's cheerful voice from down the hall.

"Pills here!"

Zoey laughs quietly. "He did say he'd find more."

Francis scowls. "That boy does have a knack for it."

They walk out into the hall, meeting Louis at the head of the stairs.

"Hey, man," he says, looking at Francis, "I found a pipe bomb if you're interested."

Francis reaches out a big hand. "Hell, yeah, I'm interested."

"Cool." Louis hands over the homemade bomb.

"Well," Zoey begins, "are we ready?"

"Ready as we'll ever be," Francis states.

"I'll go tell Bill," Louis volunteers. "Maybe he was able to call up a transport unit. I don't fancy walking out of this place. We're out in the middle of nowhere, man!"

Louis heads down the stairs. Zoey looks up at Francis. She looks away when she notices he was already looking at her.


He gives her a nudge. "Let's see what Bill has up his sleeve."


They move down the stairs, with Zoey leading the way this time. In the kitchen, Bill is on the radio.

"10-4. We'll be waitin' for ya," he says, his voice tired and raspy. "Over and out."

"Well, guys, looks like we're getting a ride out of this place after all," Louis informs them happily. "We just have to hold out for a few more minutes."

Zoey narrows her eyes. "What's a 'few more minutes?'"

Bill turns to her. "It should be about 10 minutes, according to the man on the radio. We can do it."

Francis cocks his gun. "Hell, yeah, we can do it."

"You and Zoey should check out the barn," Bill suggests. "There might be more supplies there."

"Good idea," Zoey agrees. "Come on, biker dude."

"Sure thing, firebug."

After they leave, Louis turns to Bill.

"Hey, Bill. Zoey and Francis ..."

Bill looks down at his weapon, suddenly preoccupied.

"Yeah," he mumbles. "Zoey and Francis."

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