Can't Stop Now

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"So, we're going into Atlanta, to the CD freakin' C," Franics grumbles.

Louis and Yvette nod in unison.

"Do you know how dangerous that's gonna be?" Francis bellows, throwing up his hands in exasperation. "Atlanta is hella huge, and I'm sure it's not walled off like this fancy lil island, here. No, no, no. Hell, no. I have a baby on the way, man! No."

Zoey stands quietly, head bowed. She knew he'd react that way. Now that he knows he going to be a father, he's ready to dig in and keep her and the baby safe. He'd never risk them. She bites her lip. She understands where he's coming from. She wants to do the same. Still, she knows that if they're going to have any kind of future, this nightmare has to end. They need to get Yvette, along with her brother's research, back to the CDC.

"Francis," she whispers, pushing away from the wall and going to him. She touches his shoulder. He looks down at her, shaking his head.

"No way, Zoey. You are not going into Atlanta."

"Francis," she repeats, squeezing his shoulder with her fingertips. "You know we have to."

He shakes his head again, but she can see the fight dying in his eyes. "Why can't the freakin' Army escort her?"

"We have to finish this. It's important to me," she murmurs. She stands on tip-toes and kisses his defiant mouth. She turns to Louis and Yvette. "When are we heading out?"

Louis sighs, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, now? Yvette says there's a campground nearby. Maybe we can ... um ... borrow an RV? All the cars and trucks are either gone or vandalized."

Francis snorts. Zoey cocks her head to the side, thinking. She rubs Francis's shoulder in an unconscious affectionate gesture.

"An RV, huh?"

Yvette speaks up. "It makes sense. We have a ways to travel. Especially since we can't take the Interstate. It's a jumbled up mess. And an RV would hold the most supplies."

Zoey looks out at the dwindling day. "We'd be able to travel without having to stop, too. We could rest and eat. Have easy access to our weapons and ammo. The sound of a vehicle will attract zombies, though."

"Yeah," Louis agrees, "but we'll be moving a lot faster than them."

Zoey pats Francis's arm and bends to retrieve her stuff. "Well, let's get moving, then."

"You know, I don't like this idea. In fact, I hate it," Francis grumbles.

"We know," the other three say, sharing a look and smiling.


Later in the evening, the group is on the move. Louis is at the wheel and Yvette is navigating. Zoey and Francis sit across from one another at the small table in the kitchen area.

"This is the worst idea ever," Francis mumbles. 

"So you've said ... about a million times," Zoey says with a chuckle.

"Zo, you're havin' my baby! Can't you just ..."

"Can't I what? Not be me? You should know me well enough to know that I'm not about to sit on my ass when something needs to be done, and this needs to be done."

Francis places his hands over his head, growling in frustration. "Good God, woman. You're gonna be the death of me."

"I'm hungry," she states, ignoring him.

He drops his hands and laughs. "Of course you are."

"Shut up and feed me." She playfully kicks his shin under the table.

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