A Beacon in the Night

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The trio traverse the small island town, searching for survivors well into the evening. There's a surprisingly small amount of Infected, which pleases Zoey but disappoints Francis. They have no luck in finding survivors, but they do find an ample of amount of supplies. Louis carries a backpack that they fill as they go. 

"Where is everyone?" Francis grumbles as he ambles along ahead of Louis and Zoey. 

"You know, it's kinda depressing to think we're the only living people in the world."

Zoey looks around at the trash littered street and empty shops. Her heart sinks.

"Nah, Zoey, that's not possible. There has to be other people out there. We just need to keep looking."

"Yeah, yeah. We can always count on you for the bright side," Francis snarls back. 

Zoey smiles appreciatively at Louis. "You're right. Just ... sometimes it scares me to think we might be it."

Francis snorts. "You know, if we were it, we'd have to do our best to repopulate the world."

Zoey's eyes widen and Louis chokes out a surprised snort. Francis turns around, giving them a glare.

"I mean, me and Zoey. You're not included Louis."

Louis holds up his hands, laughing. "Have at it, man."

Zoey shakes her head. "You're so crass, Francis. That's not funny."

Francis grins. "I'm just giving Sunshine Beams a hard time."

Louis nods. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, man."

Francis turns back around. "Eh, keep your head up, Louis. We'll find you a lady love. I have a good feeling about this."

Zoey keeps quiet. Francis might have said what he said in an effort to rib Louis, but his words were still spinning in her head. Her and Francis making babies? She shudders. She loves the big guy, sure, but babies? The thought of having a baby, or multiple babies, had never crossed her mind. Who would even think about it in a time like this? No way. She wasn't having a baby anytime soon--if ever. Uh, Hell no! She shakes her head, trying to dislodge the unpleasant thoughts.

"Hey, look over there!" Louis calls out, pointing ahead.

Zoey follows his gaze and spies a light house. It towers above the treeline, it's light flashing in the approaching dusk. 

"Hey, a lighthouse! I hate lighthouses."

"Color me surprised," Zoey mumbles, poking Francis in the back with the muzzle of her gun.

"Hey! Watch it! That thing's loaded."

"Come on, guys," Louis says, motioning. "We can camp out at the top of the lighthouse tonight. We can defend it easily if we need to."

Zoey nods in agreement. They follow the roads until they come upon the small lighthouse keeper's house and the looming lighthouse. They read the sign:

Historic Tybee Island Light Station

"Huh. Would ya look at that? It's a museum," Zoey observes.

Louis points at a solid rock wall lining the coast on the other side of the wall. "Yeah. Look. That says it's Battery Garland. Hmm. Batteries were where they placed their guns around forts."

"Thanks for the history lesson," Francis mumbles as he scales the small white picket fence enclosing the lighthouse and its surrounding buildings.

They investigate the buildings, one of which is a gift shop. Inside a closet, Zoey finds an Infected huddled in a corner. She dispatches him quickly, closing the closet door when she's finished. She has wondered about the Infected that seemed so listless. They were the opposite of those that would run at you, screaming for your blood. Sometimes they leaned against a wall with their heads down or sat in corners, heads bowed wearily. Can the Infected be depressed?

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