A New Day

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Zoey didn't sleep well that night, just as she thought. Not only was the floor hard beneath her, but her mind was racing. What happens now that we're not Public Enemy #1? What does it mean for all of us--being the future? What if they want to lock us up somewhere and study us like science projects? That might be worse than being wanted dead! 

She grunts and turns onto her side, burying her face into Francis's shoulder. Outside, on the catwalk, she hears Louis's shoes clink and clank. She squeezes her eyes shut, trying in vain to block out her chaotic thoughts. Finally, giving up, she climbs to her feet. She quietly tip-toes over to the door, letting herself out silently. Louis turns to look at her in surprise.

"It's not time for your shift, yet," he whispers.

She shrugs. "Couldn't sleep."

Louis walks over to her, concern etched on his dark features. "What's bothering you?"

She sighs. "I don't know. Everything? What does this mean, Louis? Are we really going back to the fort with her? What if they ... what if they take us prisoner again?" She motions wildly with her hands. "What if they want to study us or something?"

He shakes his head. "I guess that's a possibility, but, Zoey, I think everything's gonna be alright now."

She holds up her hands. "Don't you dare say you have a good feeling about this."

He chuckles. "I wasn't going to, but now that you mention it."

She rolls her eyes. "It's hard to believe anything could work out. We haven't had the best of luck, you know."

Louis scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know about that. I mean, you got Francis. You two seem happy."

She looks back inside at Francis. "Yeah."

"And we're alive."

"Yeah," she murmurs.

"So, it's not all bad."

She goes quiet, worrying at her bottom lip. She can feel Louis staring at the back of her head as she stares at Francis, asleep and unaware of the turmoil inside her. 

"Louis," she whispers, "if I tell you something, will you not freak out on me?"

She turns to face him, her face stern, serious, and a little scared. Louis raises an eyebrow.

"Come on, Zoey. You know I got your back."

She crosses her arms and looks down at her black and white Converse sneakers. She takes a deep breath, and plunges in.

"Louis, I think I might be pregnant."

She wants to look up, to gauge his reaction, but she can't. She's too mortified. She watches as the tip of his shoes come into view when he moves closer. She's shocked when she feels him pull her into a hug. For a moment she's paralyzed, then she wraps her arms around him tightly and buries her face in his shoulder. He gently pats her back. 

"I don't know what I'm going to do if I am," she mumbles into his shirt. 

"First, you need to know if you are," he whispers against her hair. "There's no point worrying over something if there's nothing to worry over."

They pull apart. He holds her shoulders, bending his head so that their eyes meet. She nods. 

"You're right."

He drops his hands and turns away, looking out at the quiet night. She glances back inside at Francis, just to make sure he is still sleeping and hadn't witnessed anything. She moves over beside Louis.

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