Chapter 38

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The girl who got the name Reaper by her powers was being strangled against the ground, as her comrades were strapped down by yellow lighting.

Leaving the Fairy Tail and Sabertooth surprised by the sudden person from falling from the sky.

"Should we do this the hard or the easy way?" The mysterious male said having his grip around her neck, as his claws almost piercing her skin. Wearing a cloak, the person who could see his face was the girl trembling at the sight of it. A shadow was covering his face, but his green eyes glowing like almost a dragon rage as his sharp canine teeth.

"Hm..I didn't hear you." He tilted his head, mocking as he tightens his grip on her neck.

"" She struggled to say, only for the person to lose their grip a little so she could talk.

"I want both Dragneel's' Souls." He retorted, glaring down at her.

"Excuse me, who are you and there is only one Dragneel," Erza questioned, while behind her sweat dropped.

The mysterious male turns his head a little to reveal gray colored dragon scales and chuckles. "You humans are more pathetic than I thought."

"Who are you calling pathetic?" Sting and Gajeel retorted.

"I will let her explain in exchange for her life that is. I won't eat her for dinner." The mysterious person turns back their head and lifts her from the ground by her collar.

"Could you be that creature, we met awhile back?" Levy asked, remember the sound of his voice and threaten their life if they came back.

It roared blowing them out of the cave. Making them falling on top of each other.


He turns around, the black ripped cloaked, half of his face showing his sharp canines when he talked and gray dragon scales on his cheeks, covered his face. The other thing that wasn't covered was his right arm that was covered with gray dragon scales along had a hard golden bracelet on his bicep.

"Smart Girl." The mysterious man commented and ignoring the dragon slayer outburst while holding the girl neck with his right elbow. "Now, tell the story." He ordered the girl who was clearing frighten. She can't use her powers against him like he is magic proof or a lot older than her from magic levels.

"Which one?" She nervously asked him, as the man smirked. "The one that the type of you people find and believe, but start with the myth."

The girl gulped and looks at the wizards in the front of her. "Don't say any-" The men who were on her side, passed out cold by getting executed by the yellow lighting that was holding them hostage. "They are not dead...yet." The man said bluntly.

"You want me to tell that story and give you their souls, at what cost. You said that you won't eat me, but I don't you believe you. Especially, I know who you are." She gasps for air when he pulled his elbow back against her neck, as he growls. He mentally says in her mind, 'Say a word about who I am. I will truly eat you to keep that in the dark.' Releasing her bit to catch her breath again.

"You should believe that it. Since my kid believes I shouldn't eat people who give me information, especially in her presence. Now tell the damn story." He growls, pulling his elbow away. "Don't do any funny business, I will eat you without a second thought." He stands behind her, watching her movements closely.

"The myth is that there was a little girl who has almost in technical powers as Zeref, but may be stronger than him. The little girl holds the deepest darkness that could overpass Zeref darkness. That's the myth, and the story behind the myth was that.

There were reports of a wanted child 122 years ago for just having similar power to Zeref. They feared her so much that they wanted her locked up away from the outside world, but the wanted child disappears.

She was put frozen for 100 years, then awaken again. The child never did age while being frozen for those years, but her memories from back then were locked away. She never knew what happened to her and was alone, but only knew her first name.

Your so-called 'friend' Skylar showed signs of darkness. Using dark magic instead of her own magic, slipping away from her normal self to her darkness. The legend that my master says her name was Skylar, but her full name was Skylar Dragneel.

Skylar Dragneel the Cursed Child." She said, making them surprised.

"I can only open the portal, but I don't know where they are. It's like a black hole." The girl named Reaper looked up at the man, who chuckled.

"I know, how to find them, especially locating my kid who is right now with Natsu Dragneel. I was talking to my kid while you were telling your story." The man said,

"But that's impossible." Reaper retorted.

"Anything can be possible, dealing with Dragneel's. They are unpredictable." He said, chuckling soon stopped. "Now open the portal."

The girl gulped and nervously chanted her spell. The portal opens to reveal a black hole. The mysterious man started walking over to Natsu's Body and picks his body up from the ground.

"I will say run because it brings explosion." He said, smirking and turn his back.

"Dragneel's friends keep an eye on her because she is going to lead us to Skylar body." He said, and walking in front of the portal, putting Natsu's body on the ground.

They started running away from him. The mysterious man breathes out, then starts sucking in the air, before letting out a lighting roar through the portal, and shuts his mouth waiting for any signal of them. He spots a fire flare on the surface on the black hole and load roar back.

He smiles, "Still, knows how to roar like a dragon. Skylar." Before putting his arm in the portal and feels someone grabbing his hand, before he pulls out slowly. A bright light started coming out and starts flowing out the brightness. He pulls them out quickly, before a giant explosion happened, catching them in the explosion.

While Fairy Tail and Sabertooth members flew away from the wind of the explosion and turning back to see a giant shadow over the smoke.

Before the shadow shot up to the sky, fast from the overwhelm smoke.


Published: 08-09-16 

I want to hear your guys opinion or predictions for this chapter and later on the story. Comment down below. I would really appreciate it.

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