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Dear Readers,
This story will be ending soon, and plan to finish this story before February of 2017. If possible. 

There is going to a second book for this story, but I would only post one chapter in the second book, until I rewrite this story.

In the beginning of the story, there is so many grammar and errors. I don't like it how it is, but I do like the chapters that I have been posting from last year to this year.

My goal is to finish this story and rewrite it, along with a second book for the people who have been have me and support me since 2014. 

This story is one of my favorites that I love to write in my free time, when I have motivation for it.

I am planning on a BIG ENDING for the story, that it will continue on to the second book. Without saying any spoilers for the future events, I will say be ready for the FEELINGS. 

They are going to be twisted events and have a cliffhanger at the ending.

Some Secrets will be revealed in this story, as the others will not be revealed until the second book. 

Before I forget, I know there are a lot of readers who want Rogue and Skylar to be together, and kiss already. I will say what I said earlier, just prepare yourselves for the FEELINGS, specially between the relationship with them. 

I can't say too much, because that will be spoilers. 

Kira (Author)

By the way,  I want to hear your predictions. What is going to happened? Since the last chapter. Along with  your predictions on how the story is going to end. I am very curious. 

Published: 10/21/16

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