chapter two

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Control freak

There are many name for Sarah Sheldon. As Sarah Sheldon was an erratic woman who people in the office hate and fear vehemently. But she never care as long as they don't dare throw it on her face.

Nothing satisfied her. Unless it is perfect. Which everyone lacks. She handles office perfectly like she handles her home. After all this was her second home. No one questions her. She was also aware she was most hated person in office because of her anger and proficiency issues with other staff. People actually fear her. Even Derrick keeps his mouth shut even if she was his employee. Only she can scold the ever great Derrick Montgomery. They grew up together. She was always the elder sister to him. She and Mark were the extended family of Montgomery family.

She was Derrick's grandfather's secretary. She owed much to that old man who made her promise to look after her grandson like younger brother. Montgomery senior made her what she is today. She and Mark owe to him and his family. After his retirement he had passed his empire to his grandson and lives lavishly at his seaside Villa. She liked Derrick because he possesses business acumen like his father unlike his arrogant self-centered mother who left him after his father's death. His mother's departure at young age made Derrick dependable on her. Derrick is still not talking terms with his mother, even though he loves his half-brother very much.

One thing she dislikes about Derrick is sleeping around habits and his dumb bimbos who fell for him like files. He uses them then dispose them.

Derrick Montgomery is quite a heart breaker.

And she knew the reason for this.


His first love, who betrayed him which made him Casanova and lost his believes in love and relationships. Derrick had vowed he will never fall in love again. All woman are same to him except her. That betrayal made him play boy. He toyed with girls and dump them without notice. Some fell for him and some fell for his money. She can't correct him for this one thing. She had been watching him like this for years since that bitch's death.

At first his mother then Natalie..........

If that Natalie never cheated on him Derrick would be a better person. She hates his bimbo gold digger sleeping toys. But Sara never tell that him. Derrick knew she hates them. But she just closes her eyes blindly towards them. Because they had kept him sane some extent. Sara had known Derrick had got his new toy to play.

Sasha Marsh.

The new sexy thing office. Sasha has won all males in office at first day itself. Everyone wanted a piece of her. At first Sara to thought Sasha is just like Brittany the previous one. Sasha is a perfect beauty. Any man would want her.

Flirty and money hungry.

But she had felt something off with girl. Sarah always considered herself as observant person.
She was watching Sasha as hawk. She felt Sasha is interested in Derrick Montgomery but she ignored others royally. Many others want her attention. But she was not simply interested. She too need the top prize. Something
Sara walked to Sasha's table to catch Sasha unexpected and unaware. But to Sara's surprise Sasha was prepared. Seeing her Sasha got up from table and greeted her.

"Good morning Mrs. Sheldon"

"Here is the list of enquires made till now. I was bringing list to you. I am also making list of Brittany's work. But it will take time. I will finish before lunch and give you report." Sasha said in a no nonsense tone. Sara recognized that tone. A professional one, someone who is well aware of office manners.

Sara looked at the list. It was neat handwriting. And organized something she liked much in an employee. Even her desk was clean and everything was in place.

"Is a high school dropout was this much efficient when her profile says this was her first proper job." Sarah wondered.

"Good" Sara said without changing her expression.

This girl needs to be tested more. Sara thought vividly. As Sara walked back Sasha resumed her work .Then Derrick walked out there suddenly.

As Sara looked eye to eye communication transferred between those two. She was sure Derrick would easily charm Sasha to his bed. Mostly by tonight Derrick will have Sasha. All bimbos follow same rule. For expensive gifts and money they are ready to sell them self to devil and don't care which devil who offers first.
But Sara strongly felt Sasha marsh not as her seems. Her intuitions were never wrong. Sasha has ulterior motive. Something was hidden beneath those fake eyelashes. Her brown eyes were in search of something. Sara hopped she was wrong.

She walked outside of office to café. She sat down in an deep thoughts. Even after drinking mug full coffee which usually calms her down, Sarah' s mind was on Sasha.

"You seem dense with deep thoughts. Care to share" Mark sat opposite of his sister.

"Derrick got a new play toy" she said drinking coffee.

"Who is the new fresh meat" Mark asked.

"Markos Denson language." Sarah scolder him. Mark smiled as no one called his original name except his twin sister who is very angry. He love more when she is angry. In fact he loves it when she is angry.

"Sorry Sis." Mark apologized to his sister insincerely.

"Derrick get a new woman every week. He was never serious with any one after Natalie. Why you are worried." Mark dismissed his sister's fears.

"This the one is different. I am getting strange vibe from her unlike the other woman whom Derrick dated or slept with till date. Here comes she , my current interest of Derrick's new toy" Sara said pointed towards her.

The morning girl. Mark said amusingly.

"What" Sarah looked at his brother confusingly?

"If she is girl you mention, Derrick is going after him sooner than we think. He just got glance of this beauty this morning and he wanted that moment. Now she is under his nose. This is getting interesting" Mark said with a wicked smile.

Sarah looked at his brother and said nothing. But she hoped for one thing.

Sasha would be just another bed charmer for Derrick nothing more....

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