Chapter Five - unexpected morning

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It was late in the morning when she finally decide to woke up. She looked at the time. It was 10 am. She is going to be late for office. And face of angry Sarah Sheldon popped up from somewhere.

Then It hit her like hurricane. The last night's events.

Office and him. That thought made her jolt.

She sat in the bed with heavy headache. What the hell happened last night? She remembered her intimate dance and apparent rejection to Derrick Montgomery. She knew she drank too much from last night in order to save herself from Derrick Montgomery, She knew it was only temporarily and won't last much. She had to face the reality any way.

She slowly got up with a smile of fresh coffee and bacon hit her nose.

Someone is here. That thought terrified her.

She jumped from her bed. And she noticed she was not wearing the uncomfortable red dress from last night. It was her favorite pink tank top and cotton pajamas. Someone changed her.

First thought was Derrick. That terrified her. But again will he invade her home of a woman whom he just lusted. With terrifying feet's Sasha walked to kitchen. And someone was humming music in her kitchen.



Mark Denton stood in her kitchen at his full glory with her whole kitchen messed up and he had sneaky smile on his face.

"Hell , how I am going to clean up this mess" Sasha mumbled.

"Food is hot and ready to serve. Sit" He invited her.

"What are you doing here" she asked doubtfully.

"I was here to drop you here last night. Since it was late I decided top crash on your couch. And I took unduly advantage of your hospitality I decide to make you breakfast."

Sasha still looked unconvinced. And Mark again said.

"Derrick asked me to bring you home"

"And he trusted you."

"Don't worry sissy? I am more decent than Derrick Montgomery ever will be"

That made her laugh.

His sister talk annoyed Sasha but at the same time she always wished for a brother.'"

Food was good even if her kitchen is mess and she can forgive Mark Denton for such delicious food.

"I wish everyday someone make such a food me" She ranted.

"Careful what you wish for sissy" Mark said finishing his breakfast.

"Do you change me "Sasha asked with little fear.

"Nope. Your annoying neighbor did" Mark said sipping his coffee.

"How did you convince her to help me? She usually a bitch" Sasha said as she enjoying her breakfast.

"I told her I am your elder brother. And bitches do help sisters of hot brothers." Mark boasted.

"That high. Good" Sasha looked least impressed.

"Anyway yesterday was nice move. But won't save you always" Mark said as trying to reading her thoughts.

"I know, now I am ready to face music. Yesterday I was not ready. I will handle Your Derrick Montgomery well. "Sasha said confidently.

Which surprised Mark. She was either over confident or fool to troll around Derrick. She is a keeper. Mark understood that by now.

"My sister Sara is right. You were different than other girls he met after...." Mark stopped.

"Stay out of radar from my twin. She can quite bossy and nasty. Always poking her head in other people's lives" He warned her.

Sasha smiled.

"I am much aware of that too. And why you seem to be nice to me. I heard stories about you is quite opposite.

He just smiled and said.

"Some were true and some is false. Choice is yours what to believe and what not. I can be nice to people who are nice to me."

Mark watched Sasha smiled innocently. He always wanted younger sister. He and sash may be twins. But Sara was elder and dominating.

I am leaving now Ms. Marsh. See you soon. It was nice to meet you sissy" He said that with more stress.

"Today boss is giving you off. But tomorrow be ready. He is ready to pounce you at first sight. "He warned her.

"I am ready for him without any fears and doubts" And she had nice smile plastered on her face.

Which made the Mark Denton worried.

As Mark Denton walked away Sasha sighed and look around the apartment and she hoped Mark doesn't find anything suspicious last night when she passed out. She had not kept anything that connected her to past. She had kept everything at her place.

She was clean.......

She was clean. That was the exact thought of Mark Denson. He had found nothing in her apartment that looks luscious. How can she so clean. She wore cotton pajamas and laughed at his jokes. She looked at his eyes unfearfully like a family member and he almost wished she was not the woman Derrick Montgomery is lusting. Her house was modest and warm. Clean and not messed up. Like normal household should be. What he was missing. Something that is not adding up.

She was like simple ordinary girl.

Then it hit him. The point he missed and looking for long time.

Sasha Marsh is simple ordinary girl who loves little things in life.

But the question is why a simple ordinary girl want to pursue a womanizer like Derrick Montgomery.

He was sure now Sasha Marsh was different. And she want something. His twin's instincts never go wrong. And Mark Denton just hate to accept that fact. Sara was always right.

Most woman get fearful with his mere presence. But Sasha accepted him. Dined with him like friend. As if she had taken his sissy joke seriously. But he saw a want in her brown eyes.

She is here for not money. But something else that only Derrick Montgomery have. Something very precious.

He need to know who really Sasha Marsh is. He picked his phone and called dialed someone.

"I am sending you a picture. I need some information as soon as possible. This urgent. I need results as soon as possible"

Derrick and Sasha..........

She is simple. He is arrogant.

When simplicity collides with arrogance???????????

Who will win.....????????????

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