Point of View

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|Points of View |

Thank you to DenisaDianaJAFF for suggesting this topic, I did some research so I don't sound like a complete idiot when I try to explain this to you guys.

When I first started writing on here I never really cared for the proper use of present tense or past tense. As long as the story was told, I was good.

Then your writing gets better and one day you're like I remember when I wrote... And you decide to look it over and you gasp in horror. All of a sudden the work you're so fond of looks and sounds like utter crap and you start to reevaluate anything you've ever written. Not just stories, but homework and your essays and you wonder how you passed your English classes (or whatever language you write in).

This is one of the main reasons I am rewriting my works. Like I said before, I go from first person to third person to who tf is even talking right now? It's super confusing and it happens to everyone.

The first thing to remember is there are four types of POVs to choose from:

[Side note: when I was younger, they would tell us that there is no such thing as second person POV and now there is and it's just like ??? They also used to say that they don't know why women bleed, they assumed that the egg would scrape the wall to hang on and that caused the bleeding. I'm not kidding.]

First Person : involves the use of 'I' and 'me' constantly, really common.

Second Person : the story is told to 'you' the reader. As in the character saying "you may think I'm a slut for sleeping with Bob, but if he looked at you the way he looked at me you would totally do him too."

Third Person : this involves using only she/ he

Third Person Omniscient : also uses she/ he, but it allows the narrator full access to characters emotions.

I'll start out by saying I personally hate Second Person, I can't stand it and it's rarely used. I wouldn't recommend it.

First Person is super common, it allows you to be very in touch with your character and basically be them. I used to like writing in first person, but now I find it difficult because in academics using it is not allowed.

Third Person + Omniscient both I think are the best, I use this often.

The thing about point of you is it depends on what you are writing. It is very hard to write an action scene in first person because you can't explain every detail. It's just not realistic, a character wouldn't notice everything going on around them. However, when it comes to romance we get to see what the character is thinking and get a really good idea of their personality.

When in doubt third person or omniscient it out.

That's my motto, it's so good, especially for werewolf stories where there is always a lot of fights. I always see complaints about third person because people feel like they can't connect or show development in their characters a lot. I think there is some truth to do that, but only if you are to lazy to add in detail.

Third person gives you so much freedom, you can set the scene and mood. It also gives you access to a lot of characters.

I have also heard how it bugs people that they can't tap into emotion with third person, clearly they haven't heard of omniscient. Ever wonder what the male character is thinking when reading in a story?

Well with omniscient you can do both and it won't interrupt the flow because that is the purpose.

Another thing to watch out for in all POVs is using present tense and past tense. If you start out with your words ending in -ed then the rest of them should too. Everyone makes these mistakes, but as long as you don't over do it, it makes your writing readable.

This is a werewolf advice book so I would recommend both third person POVs, but doing it in first person is just as good. I've also written werewolf stories that way. Do what works for you best in the long run.

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