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A month later...

Avi was more than I could ask for, but I couldn't let myself find comfort around him. Regardless, he had been kind and understanding enough to sense my need for personal space. He had been working on something for his kingdom for some time now, and I had been dabbling in painting and designing – but we were trying to make this marriage work. He'd take my hand in his occasionally, or brush my hair away from my face while I spoke to him. We spent nights watching one another sleep, and I let him hold me while we slept, guilty that I couldn't give him the affection and attention he truly deserved.

That night, Avi had collapsed into bed after dinner – having complained about a sore throat and sore muscles. I woke him up with a honey lemon drink, something my nani had taught me to drink as a remedy. "Thank you," he whispered hoarsely, closing his eyes.

I decided to take a shower before bed, leaving a glass of water by Avi's side just in case he woke up feeling thirsty. Drying my hair with the towel, I sat before the vanity in the dark room. I tossed the towel on the chair and picked the brush up, wincing as I pulled it through the knots in my hair – when I felt the wind blow across my neck. 

Shivers ran all over my body and I rubbed my arms to get rid of the chills. The windows were closed, and I frowned. I saw something move in my peripheral vision, and I saw someone standing right behind me. This young man was watching me like he had never seen a girl struggle to detangle her hair. I stumbled off the chair to face him.

"Who are you?" I whispered, hoping my voice was not wavering. I didn't want to wake Avi at this hour. Something about this man scared me, and I wanted to keep as much distance between us as it was possible.

He took a step towards me, and I held up the sharper side of my comb.

"Don't you dare take another step," I warned.

He chuckled.

"You are tough, aren't you?" he marvelled.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" I demanded.

He held both his hands up, to show me that he had no intentions of harming me. I still held the comb up, not convinced. His eyes flitted to look at my husband before they settled back on me.

"My name is Noor."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to come with me," he replied, confident.

I snorted. "That's not happening."

He shook his head. "You don't understand."

"Understand what?" I snapped.

"That – "he paused, shoving his hands into the pockets in his linen pants.

Every nerve in my body was screaming for me to run in any direction, as long as it was away from this lunatic. I slowly backed away from him, silently cursing the door for being so far away. By the time I'd got to the door, he wasn't standing by the vanity. He was gone. I rushed to Avi's side, hoping he was still safe and asleep.

I reached for the doorknob, but felt a rock hard stomach – and my heart sank. It was too late.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. He ran his fingertips down the side of my face, and I flinched.

I was about to try and hit him when I felt a sharp pain as my head hit the hardwood that belonged to the door frame. I felt myself lose all consciousness – and his arms circled around me.

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