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He'd heard a thud that night as if someone had fallen. His body jolted at that sound, but his eyes refused to open as he struggled to find out where that sound had come from. Why couldn't he open his eyes? He pushed the sheets down instantly, groping around for something solid and hard. He felt a hot breath blow across his left ear as someone leant in towards him. He flinched at that sensation, willing his eyes to open.

"You don't deserve her," said a deep voice.

He thrashed against the hands that were restraining him. "Who are you?" The man scoffed at his question. "That question has already been asked," he growled. Avi gasped, struggling to free himself and force his eyes open. 

"Where is Firdaus?" he whispered, with whatever was left of his composure.

"She's fine, she'll be with me – safe and sound," he assured him, in a voice that was low yet taut with determination.

"Don't you dare touch her."

The man chuckled. "You aren't exactly in the position to threaten me now, are you?"

"What do you want from her?" he begged. The man sighed, before letting go of his hands. Avi moved, and a pillow was shoved in his face. 

"You're asking too many questions, and I have very little patience with curious people," he muttered, a guttural sound erupting from the intruder. Avi grabbed his hands, trying to pry them off before he could stop breathing - but he was too late. 

Someone kept whispering his name in the distance. He had to wake up, he had to find out who had tried to kill him before proceeding to abduct his wife. He gasped, welcoming the rush of oxygen as his eyes fluttered open.

"She's gone."



She had been trembling in her sleep, and he leaned forward from the chair he had been sitting in as he watched her. The sun was rising, and he turned to look at the light streaming in through the curtains when he heard her stop breathing. He grabbed her hand and felt around her wrist for a pulse. She was alive but barely breathing.

As he moved closer to rest his head on her chest to check for her heartbeat, she sat up screaming at the top of her lungs. Almost instinctively, his arms were around her – rubbing her back in soothing patterns and wishing he never had to watch this happen ever again. "You're alright. You're safe, you're with me."

He heard a whimper as she dug her nails into his shoulders. Ignoring the pain, he combed his fingers through her hair, marvelling at the comfort this small action brought him. She was in his arms, and that was all that mattered. "Are you alright?" He felt her stiffen at his voice, and she pulled back to look at him. Dried tears stained her beautiful face, and he was afraid to move, afraid to try and wipe the tears off her face – what if she stopped him?

She allowed his arms to stay around her. " I think so," she breathed.

"What happened?"

"I had another vision or rather a flashback of Mehr and you," she mumbled.

She had to know that these visions were there for a reason, she had to know that he loved her too. There was not much about her that resembled Mehr, except for the fact that she had a strong spirit just like her. "Oh."

As if his reply had brought her back to reality, he watched her take her hands off him before glaring at him. The strangest urge to reach for her arms and circle them around his neck rushed forth like a wave. "Are you doing this?" she demanded to know.

"Why would you think that?"

She let out an exasperated sigh. "Because you have voices in your head. What if I'm some experiment to you?"


"What?" she refused to look at him.

"I can't control these visions for you."

She seemed to consider this, almost studying my face as she tried to catch a lie she was not going to find. "I'm not going back to sleep."

"Then what will you do?"

She shrugged. "Walk around, eat something – I don't know."

"Lie down, Firdaus."

She shook her head, and he frowned. "Don't make me force you."

Her eyebrows rose. "Oh, you would?" He noticed the sudden change in her expression, she was remembering what he had done to her that night. She refused to look him in the eyes, a small frown forming on her lips. Was she in pain? 

He leaned over her as she lay her head on the pillow with a heavy sigh. He knew what it felt like, praying every single night for a calm and peaceful few hours of sleep. The voices never left, and her visions were to face the same fate. "I'll watch over you, and make sure you won't get the visions again."

A shudder ran through her body. "But you can't control them."

"I'll find a way," he whispered.

Her eyes fluttered shut and he felt her relax against his hold on her. He wasn't going to be able to let go of her, not now, not ever.

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