Adjusting To Life

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(Lavender's P.O.V)  

Here I sat in this stupid ass chair waiting on this social worker to get done with my paper work. I hate waiting. It kills time, and there's nothing more than I hate then wasting time. I'm supposed to be waiting on trying to find my new family. I sighed as I slouched down more into my seat. I didn't ask for any of this to happen, but when both your parents get caught doing drugs while a child is in the house, then your bound to never see them again. They weren't that addicted, until I came along. My mother always used to blame me for shit that wasn't even my fault. And my dad...hmph, him. He made my life a living hell. He would beat me until I was bruised then repeat it again and again until my mother came in and stopped him. It's one of the reasons I have to always wear my hair in different styles. To cover up the bruises, the marks...the scars.  

Now I'm in this stupid office place trying to figure out where I'm going to be placed. I'm 16 about to be 17 soon, where else would I go. My parents barely had any money, so the money that fed me and clothed me were from my friends, which I probably won't see again since I'll have to move to wherever this agency places me. I can't wait to get out of here. It wreaks of work and grown ups. I've hated my life ever since I can remember but it wasn't until I was 6 when I realized I knew I was going to have to be on my own. One day my mom and dad both left the house leaving me alone. They went to go get drugs and left me there all by myself all day. It's not as bad as you think considering the fact that I'm almost grown now and have been taking care of myself for 10 years now, but i does suck when you don't have the love and passion of somewhere there to love you back.  

"Hi Lavender. I'm Gina, and I'm going to be taking you to your new home." A perky brown haired lady said, while smiling hard. When she notice my cold and harden face her smile faded. That happens to me a lot. I can't remember the last time I smiled. I think it was when I was...hmm, I don't know when I was 10.  

"Welp you can just follow me if you want..." She offered with another smile. I sighed heavily. I gripped my black backpack and fixed my now wrinkled black jacket and pulled it over my shirt again. I looked down at my shoes to make sure they were tied, which they were and then looked back up at the lady. She still had that smile on her face trying to comfort me. It made me wonder, how can people smile. I mean don't they know poverty and death is happening right now. How can they just smile away like nothing happen.  

I stepped outside but I regretted it as the cool night air his my thighs. I only had 3 pairs of pants, and 1 were these black shorts and one was my black jeans. But I'm wearing the ones that already have made up rips in them. I don't have enough money to buy a new pair each month so these will just have to do.  

"It may be a long ride, so your more than welcome to sleep if you want." Gina offered with that warm smile. It was pretty welcoming. I wish I could smile like that, but my mother always told me I was worthless. I wish I was pretty, but I've been told I wouldn't even make it in the real world so who am I kidding.  

"Okay." I whispered low enough but I'm pretty sure she heard me. She nodded her head then opened the door connected to this big black Escalade. I climbed inside but not before putting my backpack in first. I then hopped into the seat. I reached over my shoulder and grabbed a hold of the seat belt and crossed it over my chest.  

I sat back in my seat as I felt the tires take the car to wherever it was going.

I reached for my backpack and unzipped it and grabbed my eyeliner. I'm pretty sure it's faded by now so I need to fix it. All the girls at my school would call me names or just call me weird cause I wore black a lot. I mean don't get me wrong I had a lot of black but I didn't mind it, and since they never offered to take me shopping they could kiss my ass for all I cared. I wore eyeliner to make my appearance look somewhat presentable.  

"Well, I think it's time I tell you where were going." Gina finally said. I just slowly looked at her and just stared. She's always happy.  

"I'm not sure if your parents told you this but they have some friends they wanted you to stay with." She spoke with hope for me to actually say something. I just slowly nodded my head then looked out the window.  

"Oh, cheer up they might be nice." She convinced me. I gave her a side eye glance then looked back out the window. If I could be anything I wanted to be it'd be dead....  

(Chris's P.O.V)  

I was steady making out with my girlfriend, with versace playing in the background. We were sitting on my bed but then she started to tease me by straddling my lap. I wouldn't change this feeling for the world. But I think I should admit something else. This is my girlfriend only on Tuesdays. Hell yeah I got a girlfriend for each day of the week, but shit I don't care.  

"I was thinking you could hit it raw tonight." Sheila said while playing with the bottom of my shirt. I knew she was trying to take it off but she always loves to tease. And hit raw. She must be trying to trap me.  

"Baby girl I told you I keep it wrapped." I said while kissing her lips again. She only kissed me maybe like a couple more times before stopping then talking again.  

"Baby please, come on, just once." She begged, but I wasn't going for it.  

"Yeah, and that one time I do I'll end up being your baby daddy." I admitted while rubbing her thighs. She smacked her lips then got off my lap. I raised my eyebrows at her, did she just refuse me.  

"The fuck is your problem." I asked while getting up also.  

"Like you don't know." She said grabbing her purse then flipping her hair, which was probably fake since it was slightly a bit short last week.  

"Oh I know and I was just being honest with you, IT AIN'T HAPPENING." I yelled now furious with her. She think she can trap a nigga but she's dead wrong.  

"Whatever Chris." She said as her final word then storming out of my room. I kissed my teeth as I balled up my fist then went to go get after her. She left me hard and she's gonna fix it.  

"Sheila, come on girl you know out of all the times you liked it." I pleaded for her to just give in already.  

"No." She said walking down my marble spiral staircase. My house was pretty big but my mom can afford it, I mean she has this big ass job and my dad was basically just born rich.  

"Fine, I'm done with yo ass I'll find me another girl." I argued back while she opened the door. But when she did a young girl with some older woman was standing outside the door already. Um who the fuck are they.  

"There's your other option." Sheila said referring to what I said earlier. She walked past the lady and the girl, but she stopped in front of the girl and just looked at her up and down then walking off.  

"Uh, may I help you." I asked while walking towards the door. The girl just looked at me then rolled her eyes. I mean she wasn't bad looking at all. She had pretty caramel skin with long black hair and pretty hazel eyes. She had black torn jeans with black and white sneakers and a black jacket. She was wearing some pretty heavy eyeliner but she looked like a girl not to mess with.  

"Yes, may I speak to your mother." The lady asked but that's when my mom walked in.  

"Oh, HI Gina, this must be Lavender. Wow you have grown up so much." My mom said talking to the girl who I assumed name was Lavender. Wait am I missing something.  

"Ma, who is that." I asked since I was basically left out. My mom stopped smiling and examining the girl then looked at me.  

"Oh Chris, I forgot. This is Lavender. I was friends with her parents for a while but long story short this is your new sister, I adopted her. Whoa, whoa wait. SISTER?

Hope you liked this story comment if I should continue....

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