I'll Be There For You

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(Chris's P.O.V)  

I figured I was wrong for not even trying to make Lavender forgive me. How could I even mess with Alexis again, if I hated her so much I wouldn't even try to bring her back into my life again. I seem to make more messes for myself that are even harder to clean up.  

(Lavender's P.O.V)  

Sitting in a closet is not the most comfortable place to sit down at, but it''s the quietest. I sat here on the ground playing with my shoe strings in the dim light. Hidden by the clothes hanging up I tried to get away from the light entering, I like being alone with no light. My whole emotion is dark so why can't my surroundings be. I rolled my eyes at the thought of what that girl did to me today. I'm totally used to the bullying but the jokes about my parents..nope. I still can't seem to find a way over that bridge but that girl isn't helping it and Chris. Oh him. He can go die in a fucking hole for all I care. He tells me lies to boost me up yet...makes out with my enemy. Yeah, I'm done with him. I reached into my pocket and held the orange bottle in my hand.   

Should I take one? I mean it'll just end my pain and I'll just get everything over with. I held the bottle tight in my hands but soon realizing that these pills are basically like drugs. I don't need to end up like my parents. A drug addict, but it's the fastest way to go right? I rolled my eyes frustrated with the pain. I want to just die, and fast and easy, and quick. I put the bottle back into my pocket and stood up, but my head hit a string. I looked up and saw the swinging string connected to the light switch to turn it on and off in my closet. Hmm.  

(Chris's P.O.V)  

I was in my room basically staring at the wall. I was laying in bed trying to think things through. I mean I'm starting to think Lavender changed me in a way. Looking at the odds of it, I used to sleep around with different girl each night, but once she came into my life, I saw past that, I mean hell I even avoided hoes trying to bother me at school, just so I could try with Lavender. She may be the reason why i-.  

"THUMP' A loud booming noise came out of no where. I sat up a bit looking around but I didn't hear it again. My instincts of course was to go check it out. I wonder what that noise was though, because I know for a fact that my moms not home, unless she came home. I checked my phone and saw it was 5:23. Hmm, maybe she did come home.  

'BANG'. A loud crashing noise sound came again. What the hell. I got up from my bed and sluggishly made my way to the door. I opened it and tried to see if I could hear it again. When I didn't hear it again, my first instinct was to just go check on Lavender. I mean it's been a while since she's came out of her room, so I might as well go check on her.  

I walked across the hall to go check on her, so I turned the knob and tried to open the door.Yeah, the only reason why I'm saying I 'tried' was because something heavy was against the door and I couldn't get passed it. I tried pushing against it and groaned while trying to, but still no use. I took a couple of steps back and then, using my shoulder, I tried to barge through the door. It opened up a little bit, but I again repeated my actions. I took a huge step back, then counted to 3 mentally. I pushed the door and the heavy object moved away farther from the door. I opened the door wider only to see that there was a dresser in the way. I tried to slide into the doorway and I pushed the door back.  

I saw no sign of Lavender, that made me grow a little worried. I pushed the dresser until it was all the way to the side of the opposite side of the wall. I was just about to walk further into her room until I stopped when I heard paper crumbling. I looked down and saw I stepped on a journal. It had some type of drawing on it. I bent down and picked it up. I observed it and saw it was like a cloudy storm like thing, with black rain. I flipped through some other pages and saw a lot of similar drawings. All dark and just plain...emotionless. I looked up and saw the closet door kinda cracked open just a little. I looked across from the closet and saw a open bottle with pills that fell out of it on the ground. My face went from sadness to concern. But something was telling me Lavender was in that closet, my only problem...I didn't want to see it. I'd hate to see just exactly what I think I'm going to see.  

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