August 10th, 2016

12 0 0

I finally got my camera charger!

I lost my camera charger a while back, like 2 months ago.

We bought a new one on Amazon and it got to my house like 6 hours ago. I am probably gonna bring It to California this weekend. Maybe do a video for the meteor shower tomorrow night and maybe do one early tomorrow as well. I am excited.

Today while I was at home waiting for my camera battery to charge, I started to record a quick video on my phone and put it on YouTube so everyone knows why I haven't published content for a while.

It was pretty dope. YouTube is a great way to show people who you are and such. I hope to be discovered by the world. That is a good way to.

Hmm what else have I done today?

- download a bridal shower video. ( just something )

- try and make a coal face mask.

- play some pokemon go.
( Trying to hatch a 10km egg )

- play games with my church touch group.

- chill with Danielle ( my cousin if you didn't read my earlier enteries )

- started my Riku the Cat book
(Something to record things, and ideas for a makeup line, and follower count, dates and stuff, things like that )

- text a few people

- sleep, that's always nice

( Comment if you want me to talk about anything specific, you can also ask questions and stuff too, do whatever )

That's pretty much all I did today. I will try to enter in my diary tomorrow. I will most likely do it earlier though cause I am going camping ( the meteor shower thing I mentioned before )

Seeing the meteor shower will be fun. Going to California for my dad's girlfriends bridal shower will be fun too.
We are flying there so it won't be torture ( I have driven there and back a few times. I live two states away and it's a real pain )

Also, I haven't checked yet but, I know there's only like 3 people that read this but ya know, you start somewhere and I started to do this like just a few days ago. I will hope and pray that more people will find fun in this. Let's see though. Who knows.

I don't even think my best friend knows I do this. Even though I mentioned it on my Instagram ( Yes Aidan, it's you that I'm talking about )
I will talk to him when he gets back, he's busy right now.
I wonder is he will actually read it though. I guess we will see...

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