August 15th, 2016

22 0 0


today my day started with Comicon prep and will probably end that way too.

Today I worked on the horns.
I tried over and over again.
I made them one way then started over, and did it all over again.
The first thing I did today is add a few more layers of liquid latex to the horns. After that I took it off and clay mold and started to work with them.
I wasn't quite sure what I wanted. I tried string, Latex sheets, more string, then more string, tissue paper, and some other things. I just couldn't get the design that I wanted. I looked around my room for some inspiration. There was a short roll of this card stock type wrapping paper stuff.
I don't know exactly how to explain what it is...

I cut it into strands and created these scale like things. I will show you a picture tomorrow, I just figured out how to do that.

I did 2 rows of it, I know that done make sense but I will show you tomorrow.

I'm not done with them but I am getting far and I'm pretty happy with it so far.

Now I want to gather materials for the clothing.
I probably have somethings  that will work, I can dye some things and paint and distress things. I'm planning for a breastplate thing. I'm still trying to figure out how to make that.
Also trying to do some cool things to some old shoes I have. I want to make them platforms and add some trinkets to it.

I have a lot of plans and I have the whole costume\makeup\ hair\frikin everything figured out. I just need to make it.

I am very excited. Just don't know how I'm gonna finish it in time I guess. That's my only problem is I don't have that much in the way of time. knowing Comicon is on the 3rd of September, that isn't a long am out of time for this... so yep let's see how this goes.

What happens happens. in the end its just playing dress up. It ain't a big deal. We are good..

Psh not worried at all...

Also sorry I didn't publish this yesterday when I was supposed to. I totally spaced the publishing part. I did that once before... oops...

Have a fabulous day everybody. Bye bye!

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