August 14th, 2016

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Yesterday was a long day, I wasn't able to enter in my diary for that reason exactly.

I am pretty sure I mentioned this already. Tammi and I flew to California for her bridal shower number one. We flew here Friday and today is sunday, we are going home today.

So I woke up on Saturday morning and immediately started getting ready for tammi's bridal shower at 12.

We had the bridal shower, it was nice. It was a few hours of foods and gifts for Tammi.
We only have one full day in california so I was hoping to get to then beach for a little bit.

After the shower I got to go to the beach for about 30 minutes or so, because I was told I much be back at dinner because we have more going on that they would not tell me. At the beach we walked around and got lots of shells of many colors and shapes. I found some really cool ones.

We finished at the beach and went to a shell store. I got a few things for friends and family then we drove back to Tammi's parents home.
I walked in to realize something pretty fabulous.
I saw pink everywhere.
I knew what was coming but I didn't mention anything.
I walked to get to the family room to see a few presents sitting on a table. Confetti was on the table and floor.
It said something. Oh hey it says
"It's a girl!"
Yes my father and Tammi are getting married. Tammi will soon adopt me and I will get a new birth certificate with Tammi's name on it. So ofcourse they threw a baby shower for me. It was sweet of them to do it and it was fun. I got a few things, such as a bracelet that had "Daughter" engraved on a bead like thing. Tammi got the same exact one except it said "Mother" ofcourse.
Tammi's parents got us those and I greatly appreciated it.
I also got a notebook, nail polish to go with my dress for the wedding, I also got a few gift cards, one for Hot topic, another for Ulta, and the last for sephora. They will each last me for a while.
The day was good in the end, though it was exhausting.

It's Sunday, like I mentioned. In an hour we will go off to the air port for the short hour and a half flight to my home state.
It will be nice to go home.
And ofcourse. Get more ready for comicon on September 3rd.

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