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I stood before the king, my mouth ajar and my face portraying confusion and disbelief. He sat on his throne with a stern look on his face and mother stood beside him. The king and queen worked hand in hand, so unlike usual, I couldn't vent out my feelings to mother.

'Do you understand, daughter?'

I simply nodded in response. I muttered out 'Yes father' before exiting the throne room through the left door.

I ignored the glare of Laurei, my younger sister. I wasn't in the mood right now and she wasn't worth my time. I could feel her eyes burning through the back my skull as I retreated upstairs. If she had a problem with this, she'd just have to speak with father and mother. When I made it to my chambers, I sat on my bed and sighed. I took off my shoes to rest my aching feet and I was sure that I could feel a migraine coming on.

The cause of this catastrophe was when a servant told me that father wanted to see me in his throne room immediately. It wasn't because I hadn't shown up for lunch or because I didn't join mother and Laurei during their ride throughout town. It was because I was suddenly engaged and scheduled to be married to Prince Thor against my will.

The king didn't tell me exactly why. He simply told me that I was going to marry him whether I wanted to or not after I objected for the third time. I barely knew Thor. I used to be friends with him when we were small children. In fact, my people were very friendly with the Asgardians. But as we grew up, all of my memories of them ceased to exist and I became trapped here in Gardston.

A tear slipped down my cheek but I was snapped out of my crying state when I heard a soft knock on my doors.

'Come in' I softly called.

I watched Alessia's petite form slide between the doors. My lady-in-waiting walked over to where I sat and handed me her handkerchief. I accepted it and dried my eyes before turning to face her. Alessia gently smiled and grabbed my hand.

'Are you feeling better?'

'How did you know?'

'One of the servants told me the news. Congrats on your engagement'

I scoffed and stood up from my bed. I wandered over to my balcony and stepped outside. All of the common Gardstonians were going about their business. Sometimes, I wished that could be me. I could be free to do anything I wanted to, and not be trapped between these palace walls.

'It's not going to be that bad. Aren't you two childhood friends?'

I shrugged.

'I haven't seen him in years. It will be just like marrying a stranger'

Alessia ran her hand through her pale blonde hair. I heard her exhale before returning to the inside of my chambers. I followed her and handed her the handkerchief. She shook her head.

'Keep it. You can give it back to me later'

I folded the handkerchief up and placed it on my vanity. I sat back on my bed and looked up at her.

'If there's nothing you need, I shall return to the servant's quarters. I'll see you at dinner'

I watched Alessia retreat out of my chambers and down the hallway. I laid back on my sheets. Dinner wouldn't be for another two hours. I might as well rest, to get Thor's and I's engagement out of my mind.


I used my knife and fork to cut the large pieces of lettuce on my plate. The dining room was silent, almost awkward. After putting a small forkful of salad into my mouth, I looked at Laurei. She gave me a hateful frown before smirking.

'So, mother, father. I've heard the news' she claimed.

'What news?' the queen questioned.

'Don't you know? Thor and Eira's engagement'

'That has nothing to do with you, Laurei' Father frowned.

'Oh please. I'm sure that it will be a happy day for us all. My big sister will finally grow up'

I ignored Laurei and stared at my plate. I suddenly didn't feel very hungry anymore. I stood and prepared to exit the dining room.

'Where do you think you're going?' Laurei sneered.

'Away from here'

I rolled my eyes and headed back to my chambers. I ignored Alessia who followed me. When I reached my chambers, I collapsed face first onto my bed.

'Go away, Alessia'

'You need me here' she closed the doors and placed her hand on my back.

'I'll admit, what Laurei did was wrong. But why are you so disturbed about this?'

'I guess that I'm just afraid'

'Don't be. I think that your father is inviting King Odin over tomorrow to talk about the details. I think that you're just afraid of what you don't know'

I chuckled.

'Sometimes I really don't like you'

Alessia grinned.

'I'll draw you a bath'

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