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My heart was beating so hard that I was sure that it would explode. Maids surrounded me. They were making sure that I looked perfect for when I entered the cathedral. I felt unnaturally hot and faint. My attention turned to one servant who opened the doors. I felt like crying because Alessia was nowhere in sight. I really needed her comfort right now.

I tried my best to avoid everyone's gaze as I walked down the aisle. And instead take in the scenery. Red roses were set up everywhere, giving off a sweet smell that calmed me slightly. Before I knew it, I reached the end and I gave my bouquet to a servant who stood to the side.

The ceremony seemed like it lasted forever when it actually only lasted for twenty minutes. The vows and exchanging of rings sped through. And after the kiss, I was relieved when it was finally over. Everyone clapped and cheered, Gardstonians and Asgardians alike.


After changing my clothes, I went back to my chambers. Or, my former chambers. It looked the same except the clothes were gone from my closet along my person items. I still couldn't believe that I would be moving out of my home here to an entirely new home. After bidding goodbye to my old room, I exited to be met with Alessia. Her presence shocked me and I almost fell back.

'Where were you? I didn't see you at the ceremony'

'I came in late, so they didn't let me in'

I blew air out of my mouth. These petty palace rules would be the death of everyone who lived here.

'So I guess this is goodbye' I muttered.

'I'm afraid so'

I threw my arms around Alessia and squeezed her. I don't know how I would survive without her. She was more than a personal servant. She was my best friend. But I was sure that I would meet new servants in Asgard. After breaking the hug, I pulled away and looked at her. Her blue eyes were puffy and full of tears. I gently smiled.

'I have to go. I promise that I will see you again' I told her.

She nodded and I headed towards the front lobby. On the way there, I passed by Laurei's chambers. I knew that I must have been out of my mind when I mindlessly headed towards her doors. Even though she terrorizes me, she's still my sister. I knocked twice before she answered. She instantly frowned but let me in.

'I just wanted to say goodbye'

She looked toward the side but nodded.

'It will be lonely here when you're gone'

'I don't know when I'll see you again but I will miss you. Please don't do anything crazy'

A smirk worked its way onto her face.

'I'll try'

A maid peeked her way in the doorway.

'I'm afraid that it's time for you to part, your highness. The royal Asgardian family is asking for you'

'Very well'

I hugged Laurei before following the maid towards the front lobby.

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