10 years later

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At 15 years of age she was in her second year of Junior High.

By this time in her life, Tsuna had already figured out that she was actually a girl. However, she went along with acting like a boy because 1) she hadnt gone through any kind of female puberty besides being hella early with her period, and 2) she wanted to keep to her late fathers last wish. -_-

However, she still was very feminine for a boy. She had smooth, fair skin and fluffy chocolate brown hair that matched her one beautiful hazelnut eye, she kept the other multi-colored eye covered by either a contact or an eyepatch when out in public. She was also short, which is bad for a guy but Tsuna doesnt really mind.

Her only concern was that she would be the target of ridicule by the boys in her school and ignored by the girls. Since she was clumsy to begin with, her classmates would trip her, or they would leaver her to do clean-up on her own. With time the bullying had escalated from name calling and tripping, to constantly getting beat up by the upperclassman and even those within the same year. The girls didnt talk to her, and instead talked about her like she wasnt there, and when they did pay her any attention, it was always accompanied by ridicule and heartache. Oh how Tsuna yearned for a girlfriend to talk to about girl things, to bad she had to keep her secret.

The only people in the school that didnt torment Tsuna were those who either didnt know about the bullying or didnt care about the classes dark pastime.

The only person that went out of her way to be nice to Tsuna was the one person that made the bullying worse, albeit without noticing, the school idol Sasagawa Kyoko.

Tsuna was ridiculed by the girls.

"You know Kyoko-Chans only being nice to you because youre such a loser!"

The boys would take there jealousy out on Tsuna.

"Why would Kyoko-Chan waste her time with such a clumsy retard like you, stop wasting her time!"

Of course, Tsuna took the abuse, she also kept the bullying from the eyes and ears of her mother and Kyoko. They would only blame themselves for it.

The bullying and beatings were brutal for the first month of school, that is, until he came back.

Hibari Kyouya, the leader of the Disciplinary Committee. He had been gone for the first month of school for family visitations.

However, with Hibaris return, Tsunas torment lessoned into mostly verbal abuse. His bullies had learned from the first few times, Hibari Kyouya did not like crowding of any kind.

Hibari Kyouya himself, only held a mild sense of curiosity for the brunette student who would either be late to school or limping to all of there classes. This curiosity turning towards contempt for there weakness and disgust for the bullies that provoked them. This feeling continues, until IT happened.

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