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First off....ZAAAYYYNNN WTFFFokay continue reading :)


I picked under my nails as I sat at the small table for two with Luke.

I had finally given into calling him back. When I did, he answered frantically. He knew it was me calling, and he hadn't heard from me in days. If I was in his situation, I would be frantic too.

My eyes trailed down to his lips as he talked.

"....I promise, the last thing I am is mad." he paused and looked at me with a smile. I averted my eyes down to the table and kept my lips sealed shut.

Whenever I got nervous or uncomfortable, I would always avoid making eye contact with the other person. I would shut down, get all quite and keep even more to myself than I already do.

"Hey," he reached out his hand, placing it on mine, "don't be upset. Can you at least tell me what happened?" Mine breathe fastened at the question, the air shortening. The one questions I was trying to dodge. "Please?"

I sighed, and looked at him finally with dull eyes, "I had an attack." His eyes widened slightly when he heard my response.

"How? When?" he asked.

"I don't know really...I was sleeping, a-and suddenly I could feel my chest start to t-tighten and before I knew it, I was awake in my dark hotel room, alone, not being able to breathe..." at the last statement, my eyes made their way back down.

"Jesus Caroline, why didn't you say something? Do these things usually happen?" I didn't answer, keeping my gaze down. "Why didn't you call one of us? Or at least tell me when you got released to the hospital that you had an attack, I-I mean you literally went off the grid for days....God, I was sorry worried about you..." he ran his fingers through his hair, something he only does when he is stressed.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, it's okay," he said promptly. "Just, next time say something, okay?" I looked up to meet our eyes and nodded softly. It was moments like that that made me want to just lean over the table and kiss the hell out of him, even though we were in public.

It irked me how I'm over here trying to ignore the persistent feelings I had for him, while the girl he actually calls his own seems so uninterested in anything important about him, let alone their relationship together. Why couldn't he see that?

"I should be getting back, I flew out here unannounced so everyone is probably wondering where the hell I am," he said, getting up to leave. "Sound familiar?" he smirked. I rolled my eyes at his cheeky comment and got up as well.

"Yeah I should get back to work," I started, "My lunch break is almost over anyways." We strolled outside together and stopped on the edge of the sidewalk.

I turned to look at him with a comforting smile when he suddenly pulled me into a hug. A tight, long hug. I didn't hug him back, at first. I just stood there with my arms by my side. But that didn't last forever.

I smiled and enveloped my arms around his torso, my stomach doing backflips. For a second it felt as if in that moment the world had disappeared and it was just me and him; together.

But of course, I snapped out of that feeling when he spoke, "Be safe, okay?" I nodded into his chest, not wanting to let go.

The part of me that didn't want him here right now, finding out about what happened was no over-run by this feeling of not wanting him to leave. Oh, how my mind was always bombarded by his presence.

"The first half of the American tour is almost over, and when it ends I will come back and visit, hmm?" he said into my shoulder. All I could do was keep nodding.

After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled us out from each other grasp. And with one last sentimental look, he was walking away.

I hesitated, but eventually shouted to him, "I love you!" I could see his figure stop walking, and turn around in my direction.

"I love you too!" he yelled back.

I smiled and turned to make my way back to work. I had noticed once I started walking, a young girl in an SUV that was stopped at a stop light had her phone pointed out the window, to face where Luke and I were standing. As soon as she saw I had spotted her, she ducked into her seat and rolled up the car window.

I knew she was probably taking pictures of Luke for her blog or some shit. I was completely used to seeing people both professional and non-professional taking pictures when the boys were out.


Getting back to my office late meant I had to try my best to avoid seeing Jennet or Zayn on my way up the elevator. But with the luck I had, I knew that wasn't an option.

When the elevator dinged open for me to step in, I was faced with both of the two people whom I was attempting to not come in contact with.

Jennet was standing there, her body shifted towards Zayn, who was leaning upon the side wall. She had her perfect locks twirling around her finger, flashing him her award winning a smile. And him? Well, of course, all his attention was on her, his eyes fixed on her body.

Once they had noticed I had made my way in they stopped their gagging actions with each other.

"Caroline, hello. How was your lunch?" Zayn asked.

"Fine." I stammered out, watching to floors counting upwards slowly. Jennet snorted at my response and went back to her little flirty actions. I wanted to turn around and say something like, "You know, you do have a boyfriend. So why are you trying to get into your bosses pants?" But I kept to myself, like always.

The elevator couldn't have reached our floor soon enough for me to handle. I quickly walked out, down to hallway to my office.

About a half hour into my work, I had spilled my drink across the papers I was filling out, causing me to curse under my breathe.

"Shit...." I spat, frustrated at my clumsy self.

Just as I got up to retrieve a new copy of the forms, I saw a flash of Zayn's office. His waiting room door was cracked open, leaving a tiny sliver of his glass office to be shown.

Jennet was there, of course, her body perched up on his desk. He was there too, walking in front of the desk in pacing motions, trying to tell her something. Something about work? Probably not. She didn't seem interested, for her eyes kept following his movement, scanning up a down his body every now and then with a devilish grin.

I scoffed at them, mostly Jennet, in disgust. Luke could do so much better than that, I thought.

I angrily threw the wet papers back down on the desk and walked over. I was going to go in and announce something, to interrupt the two, but only slammed the door shut. I'm sure they both turned to see what the noise was but went back to doing who knows what.

After a few more minutes of me being back at my desk working, I heard heals clamp along the tiles floors. Sure enough, there went Jennet, walking oh so elegantly passed my open door.

"Don't..." I told myself. "It's none of your business. They just work closely together. Nothing happened, nothing has happened and nothing will happen." I tried to convince myself. I clenched my hands into a fist before going back to typing.

"She has Luke. Who would want to hurt him?"


Important chapter!! Things will pick up soon I promise. Sorry if this chapter was sloppy, school is about to start again and I have been really distracted lately. and comment! <3

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