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The clear tubes attached to my nose pressed into his cheeks as he deepened the kiss. I could tell he didn't mind it, though, we were both too caught up in own little wonderland to even care.

My arms trailed up to be entangled with his hair, the blanket the was originally wrapped around me, slipping off my shoulders and to the ground.

Slowly, but never breaking the kiss, Luke started pushing me back until I felt a thud. My back was against the cream colored walls in no time, and his holy hands were still making my body tingle with pleasure. I could feel my hands making their way down to his waist, where I pulled him closer to my body. The closest we have ever been before...

Starting to feel as if this whole situation was going to make me loose my breath, for real, this time, I pulled away a looked him dead in the eye.

Slightly panting, I said, "I-I-my chest..." Without having to finish my statement, he already understood.

"No it's okay, I shouldn't have done anything in the first place..." he said, backing away from my reach. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back to where our lips were just centimeters from touching.

"I never said to stop."

A smirk tugged at his lips and in an instant, our lips were connected again, moving in perfect sync. He pulled me away from the wall and started to lead me into my small bedroom, only pulling away for a breath every now and then. I quickly reached out for the handle of my tank and dragged it along with me.

In one swift motion, I was laid out on my white bed sheets. Luke crawled on top of me and continued to kiss me, this time, with a bit more passion. I breathed in his every move, only making myself more egar.

He leaned himself up, and lifted his grey hoodie off from his body. I trailed my hands up to his neck, and pulled him back down to my lips as soon as the jacket was tossed to the side. His hands were pressed against the bed, proping himself up to wear he was slightly hovering over me. The sudden feelings of no longer having his lips locked with mine made me open my eyes, to see what was doing.

Those ocean blue crystals were staring straight into my hazel ones. He traced a thumb down my cheek, and smiled slightly.

"What?" I asked with a nervous laugh, "What is it?"

He shook his head, and placed the hand back on my side.

"Nothing. It's just," he chuckled to himself, "It's are so beautiful..."

Instantly, I felt my cheeks heaten up and I'm sure that they were pink flushed and Luke was smiling at that.

"I can't believe that I was so blind and couldn't notice it earlier..." he said. I smiled in response, leaning up to kiss him again.


Orange and pink rays of light hit my face, waking up my dreaming mind. I opened my eyes to see the cracks of sunlight pouring into my room through the blinds.

My mind did a quick run through of all the events that happened last night, causing me to smile to myself. I didn't want to tell Luke that he was my first, he would have looked at me funny for being a virgin at my age. I turned over to see an empty space next to me and frowned to myself. Hoping that he was still here, I got up and felt light and flowing fabric hit my upper legs. It was a shirt...a black shirt. Not mine. I looked around and observed the messy room full of sheets and clothes. Only mine to be found....

Walking out of my room, I came to face my empty apartment. I listened, to see if maybe Luke had stepped into the shower, or even left to just get us some coffee.

I studied the atmosphere, and signed when I had come to realize that he had left. Quickly, my sorrow thoughts were turned around when I noticed a note written on a paper towel next to a full cup of tea on the counter.

We had an early morning interview. You can watch it online if you want. I'll call later. Also, I made some tea for you. Sorry to run out so early :(

I sighed, and turned my attention towards the tea cup. Placing a hand around it, I realized that it had turned cold. Must have meant that he left it there hours long had he been gone? I flashed my eyes to look at the time. 11:38.

Was it sad that I already missed him?



Any who. Hope you enjoyed it ;) it is a slight bit shorter than my normal chapters but i was just so EXCITED TO GET THIS OUT THERE!!!

Vote and comment please!! :)

Breathe Me ~ l.h.Where stories live. Discover now