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The ring of my phone woke me up from my deep sleep. I stumbled over my messy room trying to get to where the ring was coming from. I found it on the floor by my nightstand and picked it up thinking it was important. No one ever calls me this early.

I thought that it was work, needing me to come in early or telling me the news, but when I picked it up, I heard Sophie's voice on the other end.

"CAROLINE! Thank god you answered..." she rushed.

"Sophie? What is it what's wrong?" I asked, starting to put on less revealing clothes, thinking that she was hurt and I had to run over there and help her.

"Okay, so you know how Luke's birthday just past?" I groaned at her words and threw the pants that I was struggling to get on back down on the floor.

"What the hell Sophie, I thought you were hurt or something. You never call this early." I flopped back down in my cozy covers to listen to what else she had to ramble on about.

"What? No, I'm fine. Anyways, LUKE! You got him a gift, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, I did. An enlarged version of a guitar picks signed by Angus Young in a frame. It was actual very hard to find, I had to look in multiple stores just to-"

"CAROLINE FOCUS!" she cut me off. Geez, I hate when people do that, "It was a lovely gift I know, but I think Jennet might have beat you on the whole 20th birthday surprises..." I mentally face palmed myself just hearing her name.

"I don't really care what she got him. It's not going to mess with my life so who cares." I sighed, the air coming through my nose tightened and my tubes tickled. It did that every time I sighed and if I was being honest, it was kind of annoying at this point.

"Actually..." she started to trail off and that's when she really got my attention.

"What?" I groaned, closing my eyes in frustration.

"She got him these concert tickets..."

"Yeah? And? Get to the point Sophie." I laughed, a little-irritated that she was milking the subject.

I could hear her moving around on the other end, shuffling through what sounded like papers, or sheets. "Okay just, go to YouTube and watch their most recent interview," she said really quickly, "Look up '5SOS Interview includes girls, birthdays, and the biggest show EVER!'" I laughed at the title and then got up to look for my laptop.

"I'm serious Caroline, just watch it." I said 'Okay' and then hung up the phone so I could search it.

When I pressed enter, the first video to pop up was on I had never seen before.

Uploaded: July 18, 2016

Two days ago.

I clicked on the video, a little apprehensive at the fact that apparently, the video was so important that Sophie had to call me and demand me to watch it.

What popped up on the screen was just the four boys sitting in a room with white walls on a black couch.

"Ellooooo E! users and welcome to this weeks interview selection!" A man spoke. The camera turned to show that he was sitting in a black chair next to the boys. "Today we are here with the Australian band '5 Seconds of Summer'!" the boys smiled, causing me to smile as well.

"So boys, how you been?" he asked looking towards them.

"Ah, uh, we have been good, great actually," Ashton started to speak into the mini microphones they had.

"Yeah I'm sure! You guys juts recently got finished playing at Madison Square Garden..." people behind the camera cheered and they smiled a bit more. "How was it?"

They went on to talk about how the show was exhilarating and was a dream come true. How they were backstage freaking out, things like that. It wasn't until the interviewer brought up Luke's birthday that it actually had my attention again.

"Also, we heard that Luke, you just had a birthday, how was that big celebration?" They laughed and told some crazy story that had happened. I remember Luke calling me and telling me that story.

"We saw on social media one of your gifts you received," the interviewer said, a picture from Luke's Instagram page showed up on the screen. He was holding my gift with a big smile on his face, and in the comments, he was thanking me. I smiled, remembering when I got the notification telling me he had tagged me in a photo.

I didn't see why Sophie was so worked up over this interview, nothing was even about Jennet.

"You had received this gift from one of your close friends, right? We didn't get her name but we did spot you two a few days after Madison Square Garden..." that's when two picture's of us two popped up.

My face went red.

It was when we were outside of the dinner the day he came to visit, asking if I was alright.

How did they get those?

The screen went back to showing the boys, and I could see Micheal and Ashton whispering in confusion.

"We also heard about how your girlfriend bought you tickets to go see your favorite band," and that's when I shot up in my spot and stared at the screen in shock. Luke looked at the other boys and then back at the interviewer, his mouth gaping with a look of 'how-did-you-know-that'. I didn't even know that, yet, so why would this news company have the information??

"Um, uh, yeah. Yeah, it was a great gift."Luke said. I could tell he wanted the subject to change, but the interviewer just kept on going.

"Who do you plan on taking to that concert?" they asked. He looked at the boys, and then turned back with the answer of:

"Well, I don't know. Close friends, I'm sure, we plan on having a good time," he said.

That was it.

Soon after they were on to talking about something else and from then on after, I could see Luke and the rest of their discomfort.

I closed my laptop.

I was a little pissed at Sophie for making me watch that. I was trying to focus on my classes and work and-OH SHIT! Work!

I slashed my covers off of me and ran around starting to get ready.

The stupid video had gotten me distracted, and I didn't need to be late again. Hopefully, this time, I didn't have to deal with Jennet and Zayn making googly eyes at each other in the elevator.

I had to get my mind off of Luke for now and just focus on other things. I was doing so well at just living life without drama and having to worry about him after he came to visit.

I had done a workshop for writing, went to lunches with Sophie, cleaned, I was so much more relaxed the past few days and watching that video ruined it all.

Now all that was going to be running through my head today was that interview and it's stupid ass remarks.

I took a deep breath in, grabbing the handle of my tank, and walking out to make my way down to the office where I knew I would have to face his god awful girlfriend.

Fake it till you make it...I told myself.

That's all you gotta do.....


Heyo! sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was in NYC this past weekend for an audition. this is a sloppy chapter, I know. Oh whale. 

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