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'Caroline, please call me back. There is so much to explain, there is so much more to the story, please just let me-' beep.

'I could come over and we could talk...I just need you to understand that I need you to believe me on-' beep.

'It's all so confusing Caroline, please don't tell Luke! Unless you already have, and maybe that's why your not answering me or maybe I-' beep.

I sat there listening to each sobbing voicemail I had received from Jennet these past few days. My tank strap slid down my shoulder with a tea in my hand, and a hand to my forehead reviewing the actions I had witnessed. I didn't know if I should really call her back, or invite her over to just listen to what she had to say.

She cheated.

Something like that can't be forgiven. Anyone who tries to give the other person a second chance is stupid, and just walking right back into the trap they were in.

I huffed at her, and the clouded thoughts that were probably running through her head when she was doing those things. How could she do that? Hurt the person she loved, or at least I think she loved him. They way she talked about being so worried that I was going to tell Luke made it seem like she did, but then why would she pull a stunt like that?

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the front door. It's almost 11 at night, why would anyone be selling cookies or asking for signatures at this time of night?

I put on a light sweater to cover up my revealing tank top before answering the knocks.

"Look, I really don't want anything-" I stopped in mid-sentence when I saw the person before me.

"Hey," he said in his strained voice. The voice he always got when he was tired...

My eyes lit up, "Oh my gosh, LUKE!" I said in a strained voice just like his. I embraced him, and he hugged me back, his arms draping around my shoulders. I could feel what I think was a backpack on him, he must have just gotten back from the airport or hotel or something. "What are you doing here? Wait, nevermind, first please come in..." I said sliding out of the doorway. He chuckled and stepped himself inside.

He tossed his bag by the doorway and I had to quickly remind him to take his shoes off.

"Must have forgotten that rule," he chuckled, taking them off, "I haven't been over here in forever..."

I sat down back on the futon I was sitting on before getting up, making sure my phone screen was covered up. Messages from Jennet were on the lock screen, and I'm pretty sure he didn't know anything so I didn't want to ruin that.

"Uh, like I said um, what are you doing here?" I asked, retrieving the tea I was originally sipping on.

"The tour is over," he laughed at the fact that I had forgotten.

I sunk my head into my hand and smiled, "Oh."

He scooted closer and propped his feet up on the small coffee table.

"So uh, why are you here? At my place. Don't you have parties to be at? Celebrations to have?" I asked.

"Well yeah, yeah but those are later," I looked at him confused. "Later" as in what? It was already 11 o'clock, how late did this party animal stay up? "I thought I would stop by and see you first."

Breathe Me ~ l.h.Where stories live. Discover now