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*3 months later*
I wake to the smell of old people and medicine and I immediately cringe, I try opening my eyes but there's a bright light right in my face. I mentally groan as it's hard to talk with a dry throat. I hear soft mumbling and it gets louder by the second. Who the hell is that? My head starts feeling like someone shot a bullet through it.
I get a picture in my head of a curly-haired boy and a girl holding hands. The pain stops and I immediately know who's mumbling, Ashton. Well he's singing now. He's a fucking god, I'm done.

For a while we pretended
That we never had to end it
But we knew we'd have to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane door
I could barely hold it all inside

Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are...

I start to get used to the light and open my eyes, I grin when I see Ashton, but it falters when I see tears. "I'm so in love with you babe, it's been 3 months please wake up.." He's looking somewhere else and I look towards it. I see our hands latched together, I try and squeeze his hand but it fails miserably.

Somehow he felt it and looked up at me. Tears began running down his cheeks even more as he grins. "Baby, you're awake. You're awake!" He stands up and presses kisses all over my face. I try to giggle but it hurts. A lot. "W-water pl-please.." I say with a disgusting raspy voice. He nods quickly and grabs a nearby water bottle and puts it to my lips and slightly tips it up so water gets in my mouth.

I swallow and it hurts at first but after a few drinks I can talk normally. "I was out for 3 months?! Holy shit." He chuckles and still has small tears running down his face. "More like 3 years. I missed you so much Tay, it's all my fault!" He says sadly while looking down at our laced hands, I somehow manage to move my other arm and lift up his chin so he will look at me.

"It's not your fault, Curly. The guy was drunk. Don't blame yourself for this!" He nods with a sad smile and kisses my forehead and presses his against mine. "I'm so in love with you Tatiana Ray." He says while staring at me with sparkling eyes. "I'm so in love with you, Ashton Fletcher." He pecks my lips and we both smile. "I'm going to call Madilyn and tell her you woke up." He says while grabbing out his phone and I nod.

He dials in her number and presses the phone to his ear. I take the time he's on his phone to study the differences from last time I saw him. His hair is slightly longer and pushed up with a bandana, he has dark bags under his eyes and his skin is paler. His eyes were dull when I woke up but now they are bright. He's wearing a marvel muscle tank and a pair of black skinnies. He looks so different but he's still so gorgeous. This is unfair!

I can't make out what he's saying as I'm lost in my thoughts. 5 seconds (of summer) after he hangs up the phone, Maddie bursts through the door and comes running to me. "OH MY FUCK TAY YOU SCARED ME SO BADLY! I MISSED YOU HOESHIT!" I laugh as tears of joy are running down her face. "I'm sorry, I missed you too asswipe!"

We all try to catch up those 3 months that we have lost for about an hour before a doctor comes in, "Excuse me, uh..." I have to read his name tag but I'm pretty sure it says Dr. Wolff? "Dr. Wolff." He reassures me, "When will I be able to leave?" I ask because I hate hospitals, and the smell of old people...

"In about 2 weeks." All three of groan, and Dr. Wolff chuckles. This isn't funny go back to your wolf pack you asshole.
"I'm just kidding you can leave in maybe three days once we run some tests to see how you're doing and if you're in good enough condition to leave." Dr. Wolff says with a creepy smile. Back up grandpa.

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