Chapter 2

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(A.N): I decided to update again last night. I would love to hear all of your suggestions, comments, and feedback. Don't be shy, leave a comment, vote and stay awesome. I love you all!! <3

~Niall's POV~

After a long day of school, I start my walk home. For some reason I can't seem to stop thinking about Penelopé... It's like every time I try to think about something else, my mind wants to concentrate on her. I commence to my house when suddenly I hear a high pitched scream. I turn around quickly and follow the sound. I see her. Penelopé is in danger and instinctively I feel the need to help her. I run over as fast as I can and without thinking punch the guy who was touching my girl. Did I just say that? Why am I calling her mine when we haven't even officially met?

~Penelopé's POV~

After the final bell, I pack up my things and head out to my car. I suddenly remember I left my car keys in my locker, silly me. On my way back to the school entrance a drunk old man stumbles up to me. He asks for money and I try my best to ignore him, but apparently he found that unacceptable. Stopping me dead in my tracks the drunk man digs in his pocket and retrieves something that resembles a knife. He flips it opens showing a 4 inch blade. Yep it's a knife. I let out a scream and stumble backward, falling onto the ground. My breathing picks up and I feel very nervous. Out of the corner of my eye I see movement. All of a sudden I hear a SMASH. I jump and close my eyes. Silence is all I hear now. Slowly and tentatively I open my eyes, revealing Niall. The boy I sat next to in 3rd period, kneeling beside me. He reaches out a hand and I take it gratefully. When I'm finally standing, I can't help but to tear up. I mean, I was almost killed! A tear slips out and Niall pulls me into his arms. I sob into his shirt uncontrollably. He probably thinks I'm an emotional wreck. I don't care about that. All I care about is that Niall Horan is my hero.

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