Chapter 4

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~Penelope's POV~

I open my eyes and become aware of my surroundings. Oh my gosh! I must have fallen asleep in Niall's bed!! I turn over and see him cuddled up, eyes closed. He's so cute when he sleeps.. What am I thinking? I just met him! I can't have feelings for Niall! He protects me like a brother!! I shake his arm carefully and he groans while his beautiful eyes flutter open.

"What time is it Ni?" Did I just call him Ni? What is wrong with me?

"It's 4:30 AM babe, go back to sleep." Niall responds.

"My mom! I don't think she would like that i stayed the night at your hou.."

Niall interrupts and says "I called her while you fell asleep. I used your phone sorry."

"Oh ok that's fine I guess lets go back to sleep."

~Niall's POV~

The alarm on my phone goes off and I remember Penelopé is sleeping with me on my bed. I turn around and look at her. She is absolutely GORGEOUS when she sleeps. I brush her cheek with the back of my hand and her eyes slowly open. "Morning Beautiful!" I say. Is that too much? Will she think I'm in love with her? I mean I think I'm falling for her. No Niall it's only been 2 days! But I can't help it! Maybe she likes me to? Penelopé interrupts my thoughts and mutter out 'good morning' she stretches and looks at me right in the eyes. I feel my cheeks heat up and she puts on a huge grin.

"Your cheeks are red Niall." She says giggling. I can feel my cheeks heating up even more. I put my hand and my cheeks and stutter " what?.. Uh no no they're not." Nice one Niall obviously my cheeks are red. She just laughs and stands up stretching again. " Well I'm going to get dressed now." I stand up and say " Ok your mom came over and left some clothes downstairs."

~Penelope's POV~

I walk downstairs and pick up the Hollister bag that contains my clothes. I walk back upstairs and open Niall's door revealing him...shirtless. I can't help but wonder around his body. Those abs omg. "I-Im sorry!" I spit out. Niall laughs and says "Its ok sweetheart, the bathroom is right there," he points to a brown wooden door and I walk to it as fast as I can.

I brush my hair and decide not to wear makeup. All natural is sexy right? I pull off the clothes I was wearing yesterday and put on the clothes my mum dropped off. Light wash ripped Hollister jeans, an oversized plain white sweater , a studded white belt, and white toms with sparkles in them. I look at myself once more in the mirror, shake out my natural curls and walk out back into Niall's room.

Once I come out, I watch Niall's eyes examine me up and down. He smiles and says "Ready for school?" I nod and link my arm in his. We walk downstairs to be greeted by his mum, when suddenly there's a knock at the door. " I'll get it!" Niall says. He opens the door to reveal....

(A.N): Cliff hanger! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Ill try my best to update more. Love you all!!! -Izzy.

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