Chapter 5

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~Penelope's POV~

He opens the door to reveal a gorgeous, tall curly haired teenage boy.

"Hey Niall! Long time no talk!" The boy says.

"Harry! Has life been treating you well?" Niall responds.

"Of course, but I have been kind of lonely." Harry pushes past him and walks into the the house his jaw drops when he sees me. I stand there a little confused until he speaks up again.

"Niall! And who is this beautiful girl you have been keeping to yourself?"

I raise an eyebrow and Harry smirks.

"This Harry is Penelopé. She's off limits so don't even try anything." Niall's responds nevously.

"So I guess she's already taken? By you Niall?"

I blush and look over at Niall waiting to see what he will say.

His face turns bright red and stutters out "Err uh well no."

I sigh and Harry chuckles.

"Well then I guess I can do this" Harry says.

I stand there confused when suddenly Harry grabs me, leans me backwards and kisses me. my eyes bulge open and I try to break the kiss only to stumble and fall backwards onto the floor.

~Niall's POV~

Harry walks into my house and kisses Penelopé. HE KISSED HER!!! I can't believe it!

My face turns bright red and I feel invincible. I walk over to Harry and say "We aren't dating but she is mine, and I don't share." With all my strength I punch him right in the face.

He stumbles back and grabs his cheek looking shocked.

Harry is one of my best mates but when it comes to dear Penelopé I will do anything to protect her.

I walk over to Penelopé and pick her up bridal style all the way to my car. Harry follows us out and mumbles sorry while driving off.

"Thank you Niall," Penelopé says.

"You're welcome, love" I respond.

I give her a ride to school and we don't make much chitchat. When we pull into school I enlace my fingers with hers and look at her face to check if it is ok.

Her cheeks turn a soft red and a smile forms onto her lips.

This is the day when I knew Penelopé is the one and only girl for me.

(A.N): I know this chapter is kind of short but I wanted to update because I haven't in 9 days!!

What do you think of Midnight Memories?? I'm in love with them on a whole 'nother level. 🇬🇧 Love you all!!

♥💋😻 - Izzy.

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