Chapter 6

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~Penelopé's POV~

Hand in hand me and Niall start our walk to first period. During our walk we get many stares, but we try our hardest to avoid them. Finally we arrive to math. We both take a seat and start our entry task.

After about 5 minutes the teacher stands up and we correct our homework from the night before. I look over and catch Niall staring at me. I can feel my cheeks turn red so I quickly look at the ground.

After about 30 minutes of our teachers lecture, the bell finally starts to ring. I start the walk to my locker only to hear someone call my name. I look back to see Niall smiling. I return the smile and stop walking so he can catch up to me.

N: "What are you doing after school?"

P: "Im going to Starbucks, what about you?"

N: "I'm not doing anything. Mind if I tag along for Starbucks?"

P: "I don't mind at all." I offer him a smile and proceed on to my next class.

Finally the last bell sounds and I start my walk to Starbucks. I'm walking for about 3 minutes until a car pulls up right beside me. The tinted widow rolls down to reveal....







"Would you like a ride home, love?" he asks me with a smirk on his face.

"No thanks, I'm going to meet Niall at Starbucks anyways," I respond quickly.

"Would you like a ride to Starbucks then? I'm sure you don't want to walk all the way there in this rain." Harry's says.

I lift one eyebrow and look up at the sky.

"It's not raining" I say confused.

Suddenly a crack of thunder sounds and heavy rain drops fall from the sky.

I groan and make my way over to Harry's car. He opens the door for me, then walks back to the drivers side when I climb inside.

I try to avoid his stares until he stats asking me the most weirdest questions.

H: "What's your favorite mystical creature?"

P: "I'd have to say werewolves and vampires."

He smiles wide before saying

H: " Which one do you like the most, babe?"

I bite my cheek and think 'why does he want to know?'

H: "I want to know because obviously vampires are better."

P: "Did I think that out loud?"

H: "No love, I can read your thoughts."

I laugh. He's just kidding obviously.

P: " Yeah ok Harry."

He frowns and narrows his eyebrows.

H: " You don't believe me?"

P: "Of course I do" I say sarcastically.

H: " I can prove it."

P: "Then do it Harry. What am I thinking about?"

He pulls over the car and closes his eyes.

H: "You're thinking we are going to be late to Starbucks. You think it's weird how I predicted that its going to rain and you don't understand why you got into my car. lastly you don't know why you feel so attracted to me."

I can feel my eyes bulge open and my breathing stops.

I can get out 3 words before everything around me turns black.




"What are you?"

(A.N): 7 votes until I update again. Thanks for reading and getting this book up to 100 reads! It means a lot (: 💕

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