Chapter 3

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~Niall's POV~

After hitting the thug that was trying to hurt sweet little Penelopé, she falls into my arms sobbing. I cradle her like a small child and stroke her hair, trying to comfort the darling girl. I finally speak up after about five minutes.

"Penelopé, love, would you like to come back to my place for a while to calm down?"

She clears her throat and struggles to get out the word yes. I pick up Penelopé bridal style and carry her back to my car leaving her Lincoln LS in the school parking lot. Once we are in my Mustang she puts on her seat belt and I do the same. The entire ride neither of us make a sound.

Once at my house she follows me inside to be greeted by my mum. "Hey, how was your day at school sweet heart?" Noticing Penelopé for the first time she quickly adds "and who is this young lady?" I glance over at Penelopé and she responds to my mum with a thick Italian accent.

"My name is Penelopé, nice to meet you miss. I am new to the school and Niall welcomed me with open arms. I am very thankful."

"Nice to meet you too darling. And please you can call me mum too whatever suits you love."

My mum sends me a wink and I feel my cheeks start to heat up. Does she think Penelopé and I are dating?

~Penelopé's POV ~

We arrive at Niall's house and his mum welcomes us home. She says I can call her mum, they seen like a close family. With a bag of chips in one hand, Niall grabs my hand and leads me to his room. I sit down on his bed which is really comfortable if you're wondering and he sits down next to me.

"So are you doing better?" he asks me.

I respond by saying a simple 'yeah, I'm fine..' He must know I'm lying by the look in my eyes. He leans over and gives me a hug.

"I know how you feel love," Niall says. How can he possibly know how I feel? He has never been what I've been through. I look at his eyes and see a tear fall. Why is he crying?!? "Niall what's wrong? Please tell me your thoughts."

~Niall's POV~

I build up the courage to 'hold' Penelopé's hand while directing her to my room. Once we are in there we both sit down on my bed. I ask her if she's feeling better and she says yes but her eyes tell a different story. I lean in to hug her. We stay like that for less than a minute until I can feel myself tear up.

"Niall what's wrong? Please tell me your thoughts." Penelopé says sweetly.

I tell her the entire truth.

"I just hate seeing you sad love. I know we have only known each other for one day, but today has been the best day of my life. Penelopé my sweet heart, seeing you almost get hurt by that man at nearly gave me a heart attack. If anything would have happened to you I don't know what I would have done with my life. You may not know but inside we are the same people. We hide our regrets, fears, and feelings in the inside and put a fake smile to please everyone else."

I pull up my sleeve to reveal my battle scars. Each one has a story I tell her. "We might not be the same on the outside but the inside is what really ?matters. When you were on the ground I saw them Penelopé. I saw your scars and I understand you."

I look Penelopé in the eyes the entire one with our fingers inner twined with each other. I see a tear fall from her eye. Then another. She burst into tears and keeps mumbling 'thank you'. She holds me like her life depended on it, so I lay down letting her head lay on my chest. After a while my darling girl falls asleep. Me and Penelopé are the same. We are 2 teenagers with one problem. We are both different, which makes us exactly the same.

(A.N) I tried making this chapter longer so that's why I haven't updated in a while. I would love to hear all of your comments/ suggestions and ideas, so don't be afraid to comment. I love you all!! <3

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