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The beauty about the inevitable is knowing that something is always bound to happen.

As the lights flooded into Calum's eyes Calum smiled at the reminder of how far he had made it.

He was living his dream.

"Gonna need your help singing this one guys." Calum said into the mic, causing a wave of screams to erupt from the fans.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh. Life's a tangled web, of cellphone calls and hashtag I don't knows. But you, you're so caught up." Calum sang.



"In all the blinking lights and dial tones, and I've been a-"

"No, no, god no not this again Ashton." Luke sighed snatching the remote from his brothers hand and clicking off the TV.

"Hey I was watching that!" Ashton whined making grabby hands for the clicker.

"Not anymore."

Just then their parents entered the room, their mom setting down a basket full of laundry on the couch next to Ashton.

"Dad! Tell Luke to give me back the remote!"

"You guys need to pack up, we're leaving tomorrow right after school for Los Angelas." Completely ignoring Ashton's request their dad left the room.

"Oh yay!" Ashton squealed shifting his body slightly, picking out clothes from the hamper.

"Ew, ew, gross, God who would even buy this!" Ashton was holding Luke's favorite shirt between his thumb and his forefinger.

"I would." Luke growled snatching his clothes from Ashton's hands.

"I pity you." Ashton replied before returning back to basket.

Luke rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen with his mom.

"Please tell me it's not to late for me to be an only child."

His mother rolled her eyes (like mother like son)

"Yes it is."

"Then can I please stay home."

"Absolutely not."

"And why is that." Luke said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because your grandma hasn't seen you in forever, and you need to get out of the house once in awhile, you're looking awfully pasty now a days." Scoffing at his mother words he went to protest but before he could speak his dad interrupted, walking back into the room.

"Also you're a minor and it's illegal."

"I'm almost 18." Luke muttered walking into the living room, groaning once seeing Ashton had turned on the TV again.

"I don't understand why you're so hungover this guy."

"He is such an amazing person." Ashton sighed dreamily.

"He is definitely not amazing." Luke cringed at the sight of the popstar on the television.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew him like I know him."

Grabbing the remote once again Luke shut off the TV.

"Ashton you don't know him, as much as you probably wish you did, you've never met him and you probably never will. You don't know him." As harsh as it sounded Luke knew he was right.

Starstruck | cakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora