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Looking up at the balcony and realizing Luke wasn't there Calum rushed inside. He ran into the garage to see Luke standing in front of the cars.

"Hey where are you going?" Calum asked

"Far from here."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"I don't care, I'll walk if I have to."

"Okay let's get going, where does your grandma live again?"

"In Hollywood."

"Ah, okay we'll get there... On Tuesday." Calum replied smugly folding his arms over his chest.

"Fine we'll take one of your ugly ass cars."

"Hey you can offend me-" Calum said walking over to one of his cars and patting the hood.

"-but you can't offend Tobias."

Trying to hide his smile Luke scoffed.

"Whatever let's just go." Luke grumbled hopping in the passenger seat of 'tobias'.
Chuckling Calum grabbed a pair of keys and got in the drivers side.

The tension was unbearable for Calum as he turned on the radio, hearing his song come on he started to sing along to it.

"So tell me where your hiding your voodoo doll, cus' I can't control mysel- Hey!" Calum whined as Luke shut off the radio.

"You've got to be shitting me."


"You must think this is my dream right? Riding around in Calum's hoods car, with the one and only Calum hood as he sings one of his hit singles right? A fans dream come true!" Luke said faking an overly excited tone, will Calum slightly nodded.

"There's only one problem Calum."


"I'm not your fan." Luke deadpanned.

"What? You don't like my music?"

"No I like your music, I just don't like, you."

"Why? You don't even know me."

"Because you're a spoiled punk."

Calum was really hurt, did everyone really see him like this? He just ignored Luke for the rest of the ride and stared ahead.

"Shit." Calum cursed making a quick right at the light the were at that was about to turn red.

"Calum! What are you doing those aren't the directions I gave you!"

Making 3 more rights the ended up at the same light as before.

"Sorry I saw the paps and I had to throw them off."

"Oh, okay." He mumbled

Finally arriving at Luke's grandmas, Luke was quick to get out of the car, well at least try.

Calum grabbed his wrist pulling him back in the car and shutting the door when he saw the same black van going slowly down the street.

Ducking his head down he watched as the man in the passenger seat scanned the area. It's crazy what people will do for a quick picture.

"What the hell are you doing!" Luke yelled making Calum shush him.

"It's the paps again."

"And that's not my problem." Luke said turning to get out of the car.

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