Chapter 1

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Rosie's POV

"Why are you always drunk!!!!" I hear my mom yell at my father. I get up and stand in my doorway to see whats happening. "I never loved you!!." My father yells. I notice an object in his hand. He points it at my mother and 'BANG' my mother falls to the ground. I step back as I see my father coming toward me. He turns into the room before mine. My breath gets heavy as I see him come in with a belt. He whips me with it. "NO! STOP!" I cry.

"Rosie. Rosie!" I get waken up by Ms. Porter. I begin to cry. "It still hurts." I cry as she hugs me. I remember it like it was yesterday. A little 8 year old watching her mother get killed. A man abusing the 8 year old for 3 years. The 11 year old getting the courage to run away. And now the 14 year old remembering everything.


Its now morning and I'm still shooken up about lastnight. I sit at the table with all the little girls. Theres maybe 3 my age but I never talked to them. Yes, I've been here for 3 years and maybe said 10 words in total to them. I go into my room and read my book. Ms. Porter gave it to me. She's my only friend here.

I hear the buzzer that mean someones hear to adopt. I put on a white tee shirt, black skinny jeans and my white converse. I walk out with my headphone on. "Rosie." Ms. Porter says. I know that means take them out. I groan as I pause the song and take them off.

4 men, maybe in their 20's, walk in. They talk to Ms. Porter then make their way over here, talking to certain girls on the way. "Hey! What's your name?" A boy with brown hair comes up to me. "Rosie." I tell the boy. "Hi Rosie, I'm Calum." He tells me I nod. 

"What are you into?" He asks after a couple seconds of silence. "Music, skateboarding, art." I name a few. "Nice." He nods. The other boys come over to Calum and start talking to me.

After about 20 minutes we are sent back to our room. I sit on my bed as the buzzer goes off in my room. "Rosie, get down here." She says meaning I'm getting adopted. I add the last few things in my bag and go on my way not saying anything to anyone. 

I walk down to find the 4 boys I was talking to. We greet each other and I say my goodbyes to Ms. Porter. "Thank you, for everything." I say hugging her. "Of course. I'll miss you." She says hugging back.

They grab my bags and set them in the car. "So Rosie, do you know who we are?" The boy with red hair asks awkwardly.  "Um 4 boys who live in Australia?" I say confused. "No," he says laughing. "We are a band called 5 Seconds of Summer." He tells me. "Are you good?" I ask. They laugh. "I mean I don't think we are but our fans do." One boy chimes in. 

"By the way I'm Ashton, or Ash/ your legal parent." They one who chimed in says. "I'm Luke the best cuddler ever." The tall boy says. "I'm Michael aka the best friend/ brother/ uncle you could have." The red head says causing me to laugh. "I'm Calum aka the actual best friend/ brother/ uncle you could have." He says "over powering" Michael. "If you are ever in a sticky situation call me or Calum because we are the cool ones who won't yell as long as you tell us." Michael whispers to me. I nod.

"Are you ready to see your new home?" Ashton says about to open the door. I nod. He opens the door and I walk in. When you walk in to the left theres a huge living room, straight from the door is the kitchen and dining room and to the left is a closet, bathroom, a door to the downstairs and stairs to the upstairs. He walks me up to my room. "Its blank at the moment but you have the essentials. "I love it!" I run into the room. "I don't want to paint it." I say laughing at his confused face.

I look around. The bed is straight when you walk into the door, to the left is a closet and dresser, to the right is a vanity, full length mirror and a bathroom. "Thank you!" I hug him.

Ashton's POV

"Hey Rosie. Can you come down here?" I yell upstairs. She comes down and meets me in the kitchen. "Whats up?" She asks. She doesn't seem very shy. "Me and the boys wanted to get to know you alittle more." I say grabbing a water bottle. "Do you want anything?" I ask. "No thanks." She says then walks into the living room meeting the boys. I follow.

"So whats your back story?" Michael asks. I notice Rosie look alittle sad. "Michael!" I smack his arm. "Sorry." Michael says realizing what he said. "I mean I wanna know.." Calum says earning a look from me and Luke. "I mean if your comfortable." Calum adds. Rosie sighs. "You guys will need to know one day." She says. She takes a deep breath. "My dad was an alcoholic and my mom was fed up. So I heard them yelling and look to see what was happening and watched my dad k-kill her." She say tearing up at the end so did I and the other boys. "Then I was a-abused for 3 years until I got the courage to run away. F-far away. And now I think he's d-dead." she explained. "I-I'm so sorry." Mikey says hugging her.

Rosie's POV

"Well, lets lighten the mood." Calum said. "Fav band?" Calum adds. "Blink-182, All Time Low, Green Day, etc."

"Fifa or GTA?" Mikey asks.

"Fav food?"
"All food."

"Fav color?"

"Dog or cat?"

"Penny board or bike?"
"Penny board."

"Can you sing?"
"I guess?"


And it went like that for the rest of the night.

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