NCT: Taeil- Cantabile Op. 17

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This imagine is dedicated to MonicaMochi. Thank you for requesting! ^^
A/n: I haven't played violin in a long time so I'm not familiar with the difficulty of the piece.
Your eyes are locked on the classroom clock, silently urging it to tick faster towards three o' clock when school lets out for the day.

You had a violin recital you needed to practice for, and you had the perfect place in mind so you could focus without any distractions.

It was a small clearing nestled in a patch of trees, located across the street from your school and blocked the view of the road so you couldn't be disturbed by passing drivers.


A few minutes until the bell rings, a loud clap of thunder sounds from outside; causing most of the half-asleep students in your class to jump slightly in surprise.

Your teacher anxiously watches the sheets of rain pound on the windows, the howling wind soon joining the rain after another boom of thunder. "I'm dismissing class early, since most of you walk home."

Everyone clambers to their feet excitedly, the volume in the small room rising by the second to the point where your teacher has to shout in order to be heard over the students' noisy conversations.

"Get home safely, everyone!"

A group of girls stroll past you on their way to the door, one of them accidentally knocking a book of your desk when she passes without stopping to pick it up.

You bend down to grab it, just as another -larger- hand snatches it off the floor.


You look up at the owner of the quiet voice and meet the gaze of a soft-spoken classmate of yours; Taeil.

He places the book on your desk without being prompted. He smiles coyly while maintaining eye-contact with you for a few seconds, then clears his throat. "I'll see you later, Mochi," he mumbles, quickly spinning around before taking long strides over to the door.

"Bye," you reply, somewhat surprised by his odd behavior.


You sigh deeply, staring out the classroom at the steady downpour as it pummels the rush of students as they run towards their cars, while others walk calmly in tiny groups; huddled together under a big umbrella. 

The parking lot clears out within 15 minutes curtesy of the bad weather, which seems to have gotten worse instead of better.

It was going to be a while until the rain stops, so you decide to practice in the classroom.

You pull your sheet music out of the side pocket of your violin case, placing it on the stand before retrieving your violin and begin to tune it.

After you finish tuning your instrument, you start the introduction to the piece you were assigned to play at the recital; Catabile Op. 17.

You knew the music by heart, every single measure you could play perfectly because you've spend multiple weeks making sure it was perfect.

Your eyes flutter shut as you dive deeper into the piece, releasing all of your emotions that have been bottled up from the day, and put all your energy in the music.

Your eyes open a couple moments after you finish playing while trying to control your breaths as you place your instrument back in its case to revise a measure that was particularly rough when you were warming up. 

A slow, persistent clap resonates from the classroom's doorway.

"That was amazing," Taeil comments, his eyes wide with awe.

You tuck a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, dropping your eyes from his. "Um, thanks."

"I didn't know you could play like that." His soft voice begins to raise in volume as he walks closer to you.

You smile slightly in acknowledgement while a blush slowly creeps onto your cheeks.

"Mochi. Look at me." He's standing so close to you, you could make out the individual lines that make up the fabric of his crisp white shirt, yet you can't seem to move your eyes up to glance at Taeil.

One of his slender fingers slides underneath your chin, gently lifting your head up so your nervous gaze meets his steady one.

His behavior is the complete opposite of how he usually is; he's the shy guy and you were always the one full of confidence. You initiated all of the conversations between you two, and he rarely made eye-contact when he replied. But as of now, -maybe it was because of the small distance between your bodies- your personalities have seemed to switch.  

The corners of his smooth lips turn up into a grin as he watches you tighten your grip on your violin self-consciously. 

"Don't be nervous," he murmurs. "It's just me." He places his warm hand on top of your own that's gripping the violin as he smiles down at you.

His lips barely brush against yours before he's turning away, already halfway across the room.

"Mochi?" He calls out confidently, though you could see a bright blush on his cheeks when he shifts his head.

"Yes?" You manage to reply- somewhat breathlessly from the surprise kiss.

"Good luck at your recital."

You're graced with another one of his rare, angelic grins then he disappears behind the doorframe, leaving you with a big smile and a warm, happy feeling in your chest as you turn back to your music.

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