Chapter 5

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I stomped back inside, slamming the front door behind me. I was remembering the kiss again, and therefore getting mad //again//.

Seriously! What was wrong with him? He seemed to think he was the most important, good looking, and desirable guy on the planet. Ok, I have to admit he was good looking, and pretty desirable too, but there was something about his face that kept nagging at me. I was sure I'd seen him somewhere, that I should know who he was, but I'd never forget someone so self-centered and arrogant!

I collapsed onto the bottom step of the stairs, and placed my face in my hands(not out of despair, this was just a pose I assumed when I was thinking) - this mess was mine, I'd have to be the one who cleaned it up. My parents would offer no sympathy, and my brother would no doubt laugh. It seemed my only option was to return the car somehow.

Then I heard a noise that I did //not// need to hear drifting down to me. I groaned inwardly and stood up, then headed upstairs. Through the door way I saw Roslyn groggily getting off my bed(it was no wonder I chosen the bathtub in preference to sharing the bed - she uses people as teddy bears, if you get what I mean, and occasionally bites). I went through to the spare room, and knocked on the adjoining bathroom.

"Georgia, how are you?" I asked.

From inside came another retching noise.

"Got it." I said with a grimace. Its not nice I know, but it is still reliving to know that you aren't feeling the worst(and as a plus it wasn't my bathroom, but the spare one that my brother used whenever he was home).

I left before I had to hear anymore sickening noises.

Roslyn had migrated from my room to the landing. She was still wearing her dress from the night before(although it was now very crumpled), and, from the looks of it, was also having a better time than Georgia.

"You guys finally woke up," I said, "it took you long enough."

"How long have you been up for then?" She asked me.

"Well over an hour" I said.

"What were you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing much," I answered, wondering how much she remembered about last night, she either had not. "You ok?" I asked, she was a bit pale.

"Yeah, just hungover," she said with a grimace. "Do you mind if I open the window? I think some fresh air would help."

"Sure, just open the ---" I stopped, remembering that if she went to the window she would see the car. Spending the past few weeks with normal people had greatly slowed my thinking, not that the still nagging headache helped. "Wait---" I started, but it was already too late - the look on Roslyn's face told me she had already seen it.

"Hey," she said, leaning out of the window to get a better look, "is that a Mercedes?"

//Oh dear// I thought, //I started digging myself into a hole last night, but I've nearly reached Russia already!//


Thanks for reading! <3

I had writers block for a while, but after I was liberated from my current NAB(National Assessment Board) exam period I felt I could write again! And I'm sorry this chapter if so short, but all the same, please vote for it. I feel very aware that every chapter seems to end with 'the car' or 'it was a Mercedes' or something of the like, but that should be over soon, and I'll try and change that. Also this story is set in America, and I'm not sure, but I think(fingers crossed) that Russia is opposite certain parts of America on the globe... But I quit geography, so please say if I'm wrong ;)

Thanks again!

WatchingForShadows xxx

P.s. the //word// indicate italics, as I need to log onto a computer in order to change that, but I will edit that I promise! X

He Stole My First  Kiss, So I Stole His Red MercedesWhere stories live. Discover now