2 » Rich Orphan

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 He couldn't be serious. Bruce Wayne? That rich orphan? It didn't make sense. I've never heard anything super bad about Bruce Wayne. Maybe my opinion was biased from when I met him. It was a year ago, and of course, I was on a mission to kill a woman named Lindsay Olson. I had to go to a huge party. I'd consider it more of a ball than anything. Only live classical music was playing and sometimes Lindsay herself would sing a song or two. It was a masquerade party, and we all wore face masks, even though we could all tell who was who. I remember I really had to look the part. I had to put on a black, form-fitting dress and put winged eyeliner on. I usually didn't dress that flashy or put makeup on like that. I felt really confident though when I dressed up like that.

Lindsay was singing, but I couldn't remember what song because I was dancing with a bunch of people. It seemed as if people were just throwing me around. I was dancing with a different person every minute. Bruce Wayne went out of his way to dance with me. He walked up to me, while I was dancing with someone already, and asked me if I wanted to dance. I accepted, and he grabbed my waist delicately. He was very good at this, so I just went with his flow.

"I haven't seen you around here before," he said, with a slight smirk on his face. His voice was cool and smooth.

"I'm new," I responded, as he ducked me to the floor, and picked me back up again.

"Well, I should introduce myself. I'm Bruce Wayne." Something was so amazing about this man and I couldn't pinpoint it. I just had this really good vibe from him, and I've never felt that before. It seemed as if I could look into his soul and it'd be pure. But I also remembered how his face has been plastered on every magazine, showing off his arrogance. He once walked into a restaurant with two models, and they started swimming in the decoration pool, and instead of leaving when asked, he bought the restaurant instead. It seemed witty and clever to me; but also highly arrogant. It didn't seem like I was dancing with the same man.

"I'm Raven Black," I said. I felt like I shouldn't have told him my name.

The song ended after that, and he let me go. "You're a very good dancer, Raven. Thank you."

"You too, you're welcome." Then he walked away. I watched him walk out of the doors, awestruck. He seemed nice, but so mysterious. How can he be out in public acting like a dickhead and completely change in here?

As I sat at the table with Ra's, I started thinking deeply about that encounter with him. I started thinking of the exact details. Bruce approached me, which now seems weird after hearing about this. I also noticed how he was snooping around Lindsay's stuff right after I did. He wasn't full blown looking through it. Just a glance, and then he walked away, but I definitely noticed. Even back then, I noted how mysterious he was, and how his personalities change. He was definitely hiding something. Now it all makes sense. He acts the way he does to hide his true nature. A weapon maker who wants to destroy the world. But... it still didn't feel right in my heart. If Bruce really was who Ra's said he was, then I have to kill him. For the good of the city... And twenty million dollars seemed like a hella fair price.

"So will you do it? If you do this mission, you could potentially save Gotham," Ra's said.

I let out a deep breath. "I... I'll do it."

Everyone at the table cheered. "Yes! Thank you, Raven. You'll be doing the world a favor, I assure you," Ra's exclaimed, a wide smile on his face.

I nodded, not really feeling it right now. They all seemed so happy, but I really had a weird feeling in my gut. I could just be sick from everything that's been going on lately. I don't know why I was lying to myself. This felt wrong. I needed to obviously make sure that Bruce really was making weapons, and if he was, then I'll kill him. If he isn't, then I'll tell Ra's to stick his twenty million right in the urethra. "How long do I have?" I asked.

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