7 » Welcome to Your Life

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 There was a pounding in my head when I woke up. My whole body was sore and my leg felt like it was on fire when I moved. I couldn't see anything because it was black as fuck in my room. I felt something furry touch my arm, and I knew it was Galaxy. Wow, she was actually cuddling with me. That was really odd. Usually this cat hates me. What time was it? I looked over at my alarm clock and saw it was eleven in the morning, and I groaned. Shit. I was late for "work." There goes my mission and number one way to infiltrate Wayne Enterprises. Why did my body hurt so bad?

I got up, but fell immediately on the floor and cried out in pain. I could barely walk. Ugh, son of a bitch. What is going on? What did I do this time? Now, I was angry at myself and I forced myself to get up and stand on my leg. Pain just shot through my body, but I managed to walk over and turn my light on. Oh great! Now my eyes are fucking burning and I'm flipping out in the middle of my room. After my eyes adjusted, I saw that there was a note on my bed stand.

I made my way over there, holding on to the wall for support and read it:


When you wake up, please call me.

- Tiffany

I'm going to call her later. I need to take a shower. My body felt dirty and disgusting. My hair was greasy. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and a white tank top to wear for when I got out. I walked down my hallway but barely made it into my bathroom. The wall caught my fall several times. I undressed myself and when I looked at my body, I gasped out loud. What the fuck happened to me?! My stomach had a huge cut across it and stitches. My hand was also the same. My leg was wrapped in bandages, and when I took them off, I knew I had gotten shot in my leg. It was healing; but still disgusting. Did Tiffany bandage me up? She never has. These were my first aid supplies too. Tiffany doesn't know how to do stitches.

I got in the shower and the water stung my cuts, but I was already in an intense amount of pain. I can't remember what happened to me. I concentrated super hard on the last thing I could remember. It was being at the Marion with Bruce. And then... I remember we left suddenly. He took me home suddenly. Why? What happened to our dinner? I got shot and I've been cut badly.

I simply couldn't remember. Tiffany was going to have to remind me. After I was finished washing my hair and carefully washing my body, I got out. I could barely dry myself off because the towel kept touching my wounds. I realized there was no way I was going to be able to wear those leggings, so I went back in my room and changed into shorts. I had to re-bandage my leg, so I went in my kitchen and grabbed the supplies out of the cupboard, and then sat down on my couch and got to work on it.

As I was bandaging myself, Tiffany walked in and she looked at me angrily. "What the fuck?! I told you to call me when you woke up!" she exclaimed, sitting down on the couch next to me. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun and she had bags under her brown eyes. She looked exhausted.

"You didn't tell me anything. You wrote me a note," I said, and she glanced at me and gave me a look that told me to not start with her. I sighed, and finished bandaging my leg. "I'm sorry, dude. I was going to call you when I was done bandaging my leg."

"Whatever," she said, rubbing her eyes.

"So, do you know how I got shot? I don't remember anything," I said, leaning back on my couch.

"Surprise," she muttered. "I guess you don't remember your attempted suicide either, right?"


"Yup, Raven. It truly was remarkable and an interesting night for me. You see, apparently you had gone out to dinner with Bruce Wayne and you did not tell me about it. Your best friend. While you were there, you saw that Steven Anderson had taken hostages. You and Bruce left he dropped you off here, where you promptly fucking left and went to the docks, where Steven was. You almost drowned yourself trying to get in a boat, and then when you got in, Steven shot you in the leg. He was about to shoot you in the head before Batman showed up and saved your life. You started fighting Steven's henchmen, and that's where you got cut. You killed Steven, and then you went and laid down on a building. You just laid there. I'm not fucking stupid, Raven. You could've easily gotten up and saved yourself but you didn't.

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