6 » Revelations

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 "Wait, why are you leaving?" Bruce asked me as we walked out the door. I could ask him the same thing. I had to think of something off the top of my head and now. All I wanted to do was get my uniform on and help those people. My heart just pounded and I knew I had to save these people and I had to do it now.

"It's too dangerous and I'm scared!" I exclaimed, and his eyes widened.

"Calm down, Raven," he said, "I'll get you home. I'm scared too; that's why I'm leaving. Just come on." We ran to his car, and I saw a couple of helicopters go overhead, and there were police sirens just infiltrating my fucking ears. I wish everyone could be quiet at a time like this. Steven is not just going to let those people go because of a helicopter and a couple of police. It takes an Assassin to do this shit. I'm the closest thing they got. I got in Bruce's Lamborghini and I just stared out the window, praying he would drive faster. He was already speeding. I looked over and he had the same frantic look on his face. He must really be scared.

We finally made it to my house and I practically jumped out of the car. I didn't say anything to him. I just ran up the steps to my house. My key wouldn't fucking go in the first couple of times, and I was getting pissed off. Bruce had already driven away by the time I unlocked it, and I ran into my house and down the hallway. I made it to my room and took my uniform off hanger, and put it on as quickly as I could. I went out my window and climbed up to the roof of my house. I went to the edge of the roof, and then started my running jump. I ran as fast as I could across my roof, and then when I hit the edge, I jumped as high as my leg muscles would allow me. I sent the electricity through my cape, and started flying.

He was at the docks. He obviously was holding boats hostage. I could see the docks from where I was in the sky right now, and I could see helicopters just surrounding the area, but doing nothing. They didn't want to harm any of the hostages. I rolled my eyes, but I understood it. There were people suffering in those boats, a few dead doesn't really matter compared to the outcome. I felt guilt rush through my body after I thought that. My mentor would be so disappointed in me for thinking that way, although he knew it was the truth. People die all the time and there will always be the ones you can't save. Sometimes, even civilians are brave enough to make the ultimate sacrifice. One person will choose to die if it means the others are safe. It's respectable, but it never works. Villains like Steven do not play like that.

I landed on a skyscraper directly next to the docks, and knelt down to get better angles. Through the windows of some boats, I could see people. One of the windows had "help" written in blood. A shiver went down my spine at the sight. I needed to find Steven. I didn't even need Eagle Vision to find him. It wasn't hard to guess where he was. I think he was in the boat with all of the helicopters circling around it. I smirked to myself at how easy this one is.

I was worried that if I tried to get in, the helicopters would shoot at me and that would be the end of my mission. I needed to find another way in. If I can't get in from above, or the side... I can get in from below. I'll have to use my saw to get into the engine room. Perfect. I jumped off the building and sent electricity through my cape. I flew around the spotlights and headed to the water. I dived straight in, and I regretted it because the water was so fucking cold. I almost went into shock. My mind was focused though. I came up for air, took a deep breath, and then went under again. It took me about five minutes to swim to the boat. I had to keep coming up for air every minute, but I needed to swim underwater. My muscles were frozen and it was hard to move; but I forced myself to keep going.

I made it to the boat. Spotlights were circling it so I needed to brace myself. I would probably be holding my breath for a long time if I didn't work fast. I took the deepest breath I could, and went under again, letting the freezing cold water envelope me. It was easy to see underwater for me, and at night. One of the many special gifts Assassin's have. I took my mini saw from my belt, and started cutting a hole begin enough to fit my body in. Underneath the boat, the wood was thick and had many layers. My mini saw wasn't meant for jobs like this, but it'll have to do. My lungs burned, and it was getting increasingly hard to concentrate on cutting through the wood.

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