3 » The Target

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 I woke up at nine AM the next day, thankful that my alarm clock woke me up instead of my bitchy cat. It was the day I started my job as an intern. As I was trying to decide on what to wear, I wondered if I was going to get paid. I certainly didn't need to and we all know why I am doing this job. It seemed kinda unprofessional of Bruce to not even tell me if I was getting paid. Whatever, it didn't really matter to me. What mattered is the mission. I got ready and put a little makeup on, making sure Galaxy had her food and water for the day, and head out.

It was a busy day for traffic in Gotham. I mean, yeah, it's usually fucking terrible but I really noticed it today. Honestly, I was trying to get my mind off my anxiety. I was nervous about this internship and for some reason, I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Bruce. I thought back to my interview yesterday and I definitely embarrassed myself already. It took me almost twenty minutes to get to Wayne Enterprises, and when I did, I was a little annoyed by how long it took me to get here.

I walked up to the receptionist, who was a ginger with super bright green eyes and glasses. She glanced at me and had a wide smile on her face. "May I help you?" she asked in a sweet tone. I almost fucking forgot what I was doing here because I was kinda in a daze from her smile. It was like, so bright. Unbelievably bright. It was like staring at the sun. I felt like I should put sunglasses on or something.

"Uh, yeah," I started. "Um... my name is Raven Black, and I start my internship today and I guess to say the least, I don't know what I'm doing."

She giggled a little. "Oh, you're Raven! Ah, yes. Just head into Mr. Wayne's office and he'll assist you from there."

"Thanks," I said, and headed to his office. The wooden door was shut and I wasn't sure if I should just go in or not. What if I barged in and he's polishing a gun or something to kill someone? Then I realized that was ridiculous and just knocked quietly. I heard a "come in!" and then opened the door to see Bruce sitting at his office. He looked up at me and smiled, and then looked at his watch.

"Raven, just in time," he said. "You can sit there and we'll get started." I sat in the chair in front of his desk. He turned his computer screen off and turned to me, looking me directly into my eyes, piercing my soul. Ugh, I wish he wasn't handsome or this would be easier. Or so... nice. "First of all, do you have any questions?" he asked.

"Uh... yeah. I was just wondering if... um... if I was going to get paid? It's totally fine if I don't," I said.

"Oh, yes, of course. You'll be getting paid what any regular employee would make. Thirteen an hour. Is that alright?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah, that's fine." Truth is, I didn't really know if that was a good wage or not.

He smiled. "You say 'um' a lot. It's odd to me because you seem confident, but yet, not in your words."

Oh my God what the fuck? Why did he notice that? I guess I did say it a lot. He makes me nervous. That should be obvious. I was kinda taken aback. "You make me nervous," I stated.

He had a surprised look on his face. "Wow," he said. "I just... You don't seem like the type of person who gets nervous."

"Well, I am a human, so... and you're my boss," I said. He laughed.

"Sometimes it's easy to forget," he commented. He was really fucking with my brain, man. I'm just here to figure out if he's actually building weapons of mass destruction or not. I'm not here for him to spiritually speak to my soul. Bruce Wayne is not the man I expected him to be. It seemed more like he was studying me more than I was studying him. What did he even mean by that? He forgets I'm human? I've met him once before. With all these girls that he meets, I'd expect him to forget me, but he didn't. And yet here is saying he forgets I'm human. I didn't know whether to brush it off or say something. Before I could even say anything, he moved on.

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