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you know what really tickles my pickle???

my acne.

my acne actually bothers me to no end because whenever i look in the mirror all i can see are devils disguised as red dots scattered across my face (well mostly just my forehead tbh but still)

so here's a list of everything I hate that has anything to do with acne:

when you're talking to someone and all they do it stare at your pimple

my eyes are down here, not where that monstrous red pimple is on my forehead, but thanks for noticing that!!

and then you give them that look so they get the gist to mAKE EYE CONTACT PLS

when that important event is coming up (a date, a wedding, picture day) and a pimple suddenly appears

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when that important event is coming up (a date, a wedding, picture day) and a pimple suddenly appears

of fucking course, the day i actually need to look hella good and have a clear face is the day i get a big ass pimple!!

when you go to pop it, and no matter what you do, it just won't pop

and then it's somehow even more red and irritated, and now suddenly hurts too??? a total 3 in 1 combo pack that is just pure joy ((:

and then it's somehow even more red and irritated, and now suddenly hurts too??? a total 3 in 1 combo pack that is just pure joy ((:

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or even worse, when you do finally pop that annoying pimple and it lowkey explodes

and it literally looks like this

and it literally looks like this

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but when you finally get a clear face it's aCTUALLY THE BEST SHIT EVER


but honestly i always get so annoyed over my acne but when i see other people i hardly notice their acne??? like at all??? i feel like everyone gets so worked up about it yet no one really cares you know? (:

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