Suit - Tony Stark

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You sighed as you twisted on your twisty chair, watching your boyfriend, Tony Stark, set up his Iron Man suit. Then you watched your best friend, Bruce Banner come paddling on stage. You knew of the two men because your brother, Steve Rogers introduced you to the two of them five years ago. You and Tony fell in love as fast as Clint can shoot a bullseye with a bow and arrow.

The people at your college bullied you every single day. But nobody knew your boyfriend is Tony Stark, Your best friend is a giant green rage monster, and your brother is the star spangled man with a plan. Rogers is a very common last name so nobody thought you were related to Capsicle.

Tonys eyes locked with yours, and he gave you his signature smirk. You giggled, and went back to looking at your work. Tony was letting people try the suit, whilst Bruce was going to explain the science of it. Tony set up the all the suits, so they were programmed to you and Tony. You could stick out your hand and the suit would latch onto you, and you would be able to fly around, shoot the beams, use the weapons, chat with JARVIS.

You had the same things in your arm that Tony had. He put them in your arm on your second anniversary. "Now who wants to try on the suit?!" Tony exclaimed, many idiots raised there hands, but you just rolled your eyes. "What about you, Rogers?" Stark asked. You laughed, but when you heard the whispers, it turned into a frown.

Why would he chose her?

I hope he puts on the mask so it can cover up her ugly face.

You heard the comments as you neared closer to the stage, Stark and Banner had also heard the people, you looked at Bruce and could see the Green tint in his eyes. When you walked on the stage, you went to Bruce, "Bruce, calm down" You said. He nodded but the green never left his eyes. You walked over to Stark and he greeted you with a hug. You hugged back, ignoring the gasps from around the room.

"Do your thing" Tony said, you smirked and held out your arm. The suit came flying towards you, "Hey Jarvis" You said to the suit. "Hello, its good to see you again" Jarvis said. "Jarvis i talked to you this morning" You giggled. The suit let you go, and when you got out Tony was on one knee. You gasped and your hands flew to your mouth.

"Baby girl, i have loved you ever since Capsicle introduced me to you. I never thought i would fall for a Rogers but i did. And dammit I'm glad I did. I love you more than anything, And these last five years with you have been amazing. So wha t I'm trying to say is that, Will you marry me?" You nodded, and he pulled you into a passionate kiss.

Just then all the avengers came out, and you hugged all of them, your brother the longest Everyone started to clap, but the mean girls of the school. Tony opened his arms and you leaped into his arms, He held you close, savouring the feeling of you against his skin.

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