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When i woke up i noticed something strange. Half the kids who were here yesterday were gone now; even Alex. Out of nowhere i started remembering last night's conversation. I remember him saying something about a place called Camp Half-Blood or something. Also i remembered him saying something about him being the son of some evil lord of who knows what. I really wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying cuz i was too distracted by his eyes.

I got so lost in my thoughts i didn't realize that the bus had come to a stop till this mean looking girl about sixteen or seventeen came over and sat next to me.At first i would've thought she was normal  but then i must've gone mad cuz i swear i Saw her eyes turn red and her skin greenish blue. She stared at me hungrily as if she was gonna eat me for breakfast.then, in a matter of a second she was normal again. Just a mean scary chick staring straight ahead avoiding me.

Then the bus stopped and a lady came up and told us this was our stop. we all got up and evacuated the bus. We were standing on the sidewalk right in front of some huge gates. The gates opened up and showed a big building the size of a major shopping mall. A small man walked toward us and showed us around. He paired us up and showed us the dorm rooms.My roommate was a short girl, probably around four and a half feet tall with short punk hair and deep green eyes. She wore a whole lot of eyeliner around her eyes and has a big smile on her face. I smiled back and we went into our room. it was cold and suprisingly  small. there were two beds , a long table and two rocket armchairs. in a corner of the room there was a door which i guessed led into the bathroom.  I was right.

I went back to where the beds were and found my roommate had already chosen her bed. She looked up at me and said " Hi, i'm Thalia."  She still had a big smile on her face. I smiled back and said " hey, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you."  We shook hands and then i went over to my bed and started unpacking my stuff. It didn't take me long cuz i only brought like five outfits since I'm mostly gonna be wearing the school's uniform. After I was done I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling thinking whether she'd ever fit here. She felt tears in her eyes and her cheeks damp. Thalia then noticed Sarah was crying and came over to the foot of the bed " you okay, what's wrong?"   i looked at her and smiled weakly. " Yeah, yeah i'm fine it's nothing."   Thalia studied my face for a few seconds and then she said  " okay well, if you need anything just tell me, I'd love to help you out."  I felt relieved knowing at least one person cared about me. " See, the thing is i've never fit in anywhere, or had any real friends at all. Sometimes I wonder why I was brought to this world if it doesn't even fit for me." Thalia cracked a smile. " I know exactly how you feel. Ever since my brother disappeared I've been on my own too. You know, through out life I learned that the world doesn't fit in to people, the people have to fit in it."  I wasn't sure what she meant by that but I decided to go on with another subject. " So, you have a brother?" Thalia looked down at her hands as if this was a very painful subject. I instantly regretted the question. " I-I'm so sorry I didn't-" she cut me off and said " It's ok. You see, I had a brother - Jason - he was three when my mother lost him in the woods. I don't know how. All I know is that we were walking through the woods and mom asked me to go back to the car and bring the picnic basket. I went and got the basket; when i got back my mother was laying on the ground crying and screaming. I asked her where Jason was and she just kept repeating he was gone. I couldn't bare the thought of my little brother being gone. After that day my mother's not the same. Last year i couldn't  take it any more so i went to live with mu aunt. About two months ago she told me she had a strange illness and was dying slowly. She knew she didn't have much time left and that I didn't want to go back with my mom so she signed me up here. She died last week."  I was about to say something but then the bell rang. Thalia got up and said " Come on , we don't wanna be late for class.

As we walked down the hall i peeked inside the other dorm rooms. I recognized some of the other kids that were in the bus this morning. There was in one of the rooms the girl with the ginormous glasses that made her look like a nerdy power puff girl; then, next to her appeared the creepy killer chic who sat next to me on the bus this morning. She gave me the look-away-or- i'm- gonna- pound -your- face- in look.  I looked down at the floor the rest of the way because i knew she was right behind me and i didn't wanna get in trouble on my first day. Not that i couldn't beat her up though, I was pretty sure I could; No really, she ain't nothing. I've won fights against people twice her size.

When we arrived to the classroom a tall pale skinned man was waiting for us sitting behind his desk on a chair that seemed too big for him. He greeted us and told us his name was Mr. McClover. He had black shoulder length silky hair and deep blue eyes. Somehow i thought he looked more like a rock star than a teacher. He took out a paper and started calling out every student's name. When he said mine and i raised my hand he looked at me terrified and said something in Greek that for some reason i understood even though i don't speak Greek. He said " αυτό δεν μπορεί να είναι! Θεοί Αχ αυτό είναι τρομερό.   Translation: This can't be!! Oh Gods this is terrible"  Right then i noticed Kim, the creepy killer girl, looking at me with her eyes full of hatred and astonishment with a bit of fear.  Mr.  and Thalia exchanged a look then she came over to his desk and they started to whisper a conversation in Greek. I only caught a few words but most of it was like a blur.  Gods............... Danger............. Camp Half -Blood. At that last one i froze. I've heard of that place before; Alex, he said he was going there. They kept talking but i wasn't paying attention any more. I felt caught up in a trans. That name - Comp Half-Blood- brought some blurry pictures to my mind. A woman; a woman i'd seen before but i wasn't quite sure when or where. She had the same brown hair and butterscotch eyes as me. But, no it couldn't be!! my mother's dead, she dies thirteen years ago when i was born. I pushed that thought aside and tried to focus on the conversation but somehow the words wouldn't sink into my head and it all just piled up in a blur. Soon enough the  bell rang and it was time to go. When i walked out of the classroom the teacher looked at me with the same expression Kim did an hour ago. My next class wasn't so fun either. I had killer Kim sitting right behind me which made me really  uncomfortable cuz i always had the feeling that any time soon she'd pull a surprise attack on me.

OK so, to make it short most of my morning went on pretty slow. I was so relieved when it was finally lunch time that as soon as the bell rang i almost jumped up my chair and started running around like a psycho but Thalia caught me before i could do anything as if she knew what i was about to do. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye with a face that totally meant ' alright so it's lunch time,  calm down, you don't want people to think you're some kind of psychotic runaway from a mental hospital or rehab' and with that i calmed down and whispered " Sorry."

Thalia and I walked to the cafeteria which by the way was huge. It was a large room, rectangledwith six pairs of columns running down the center of the room, which led to a big buffet filled with all kind of great food. In the desert table next to it there were tons of sweet stuff and what caught my attention the most, the centerpiece; a massive chocolate fountain!! Thalia saw my face and laughed " What, you've never seen a three-foot-tall chocolate fountain before?" Without looking away from the fountain i said " Sure, Once when I was seven, In my dreams" Thalia laughed even harder. We sat down At the nearest table and ate our lunch. This was great. nothing could ruin this. Or at least i thought so. When we were done  eating we stood up and as we walked to the trash disposal to throw away the leftovers a lout noise made the ground tremble. At first i couldn't see anything cuz the room was filled with smoke  but then, i saw it. A minotaur about three times my size had burst in through the door and was  coming right at me with great speed and vicious eyes.  Before i could even react to the scene Thalia  stepped in front of me with an enormous sword and slashed the minotaur into a thousand pieces. I was shocked!!!! Where'd that come from and why did it want to kill me? And, What about Thalia, Where'd she get that sword and how could she destroy that thing so easily? ' Are you OK?" Thalia asked. I was way to stunned to answer her that. Plus, Why was she asking methat? She was the one who fought that thing.  Thalia was so distracted she didn't  notice the Minotaur hadn't been alone. Two more of them burst in through the doors and Thalia noticed too late. I tried telling her on time but my voice would just not come out. She slashed her sword again but the minotaurs were too fast. Two more kids then stepped into the fight and they both had weapons. The girl was tall with honey brown hair and grey eyes. The boy was also tall but his hair was much more pail and his skin a bit tan. He was really buff and had dark brown eyes.  The girl and Thalia were fighting one of the minotaurs while the other boy took on the other one. Thalia was distracting the minotaur while the other girl jabbed her sword in the monster's ribs. The boy on the other hand was handling the other monster with much more ease. He toyed with it for a few moments then sliced his head off. The monsters all dissolved into a golden pile of goo. Mr. McClover then came in running and looked at me in the eyes " We need to take her to Camp Half-Blood before any more monsters come after her."

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