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Thalia helped me pack my stuff and we left off to the front gate. When we finally reached the gate Mr. McClover, Thalia's friends and Kim were waiting for us.  We walked for a few miles to the nearest bus station. There, a huge bright orange school bus waited for us. We got in and at first i would've thought the bus driver was human, but as i took a second look at him i saw he had hundreds of eyes all over his body. Thalia saw my expression and whispered " That's Angus, our camp's bus driver." I nodded, not even sure if  i was just imagining all this. Then, as if to prove me wrong, one of the eyes in the back of his head winked at me. GROSS!!!!!!!! I mean, the dude himself without the hundred eyes was damn hot!! Blue eyes, tan skin, blond hair, muscular. Thalia popped me out of my Bubble of thoughts " Oh by the way, theese are my friends Luke and Annabeth." They both waved their hands and smiled at me. " Guys this is Sarah White."

We were in the road for a few endless hours. I was going insane inside my head trying to figure all this out. How could all this be real? This was all just a bunch of myths you'd find in a history text book. And if this was all real.... could it mean that........ my mother...... Wasn't really dead?  I smiled a little at that thought. Then i heard Angus  say  "  Hey, anybody hungry back there? it's getting late"  We all said yes and Angus turned to the left and parked in front of a McDonal's. We all got out of the bus and went in to get some food. We ordered our food and sad at the biggest table in the middle of the room. We joked around- well everyone but Kim, of course. She just sat there looking straight ahead as if we weren't there- while we waited for our food to be done. A few minutes later the woman behind the cash register called up that our order was ready. " I'll go get it guys, you stay here" said Mr. McClover. He got up and went to get the food. Two old ladies came in then, and sat on the table across from ours. They both fixed their eyes on me which for some reason brought a wave of chills that went up and down my spine making all the muscles on my back clench. I stiffened and Annabeth asked me with a worried look " Are you OK? you look like you'd just seen a ghost."  Everyone was looking at me with worried expressions. " Y-Yeah I'm OK. It's nothing, I'm just a little tense" I lied. " You sure?" Thalia asked. " Yeah, don't worry it's nothing." Thalia kept looking at me. She obviously didn't buy it. I gave her a comforting smile to reassure her that I was OK. She nodded and went back to her conversation with Luke. Mr. McClover came back with two trays of food. " Sorry I took so long guys, they got half the orders wrong. "  He handed us each our food and drinks and went to throw away the tray. He came back and sat in his seat across from me, blocking the old ladies. Then I started eating. I was so hungry i barely chewed my hamburger. Luke stared at me wide eyed. " What?" I asked. I was so hungry I could eat a cow. " Talk about fast eating!!!" he said.  I looked at him with narrow eyes and said " I'm Starving OK! This is the only thing i've eaten since yesterday." Luke started laughing. " OK cool, as long as you don't eat me we're fine" he teased. " You know, that wasn't in my plans originally, but now I'm starting to have second thoughts about it." , I told him. Thalia and Annabeth both looked at him with deadly eyes. " She's not kidding and i ain't stopping her if she goes for it" said Thalia. Luke lowered his head pretending to be ashamed of what he'd said. " Wipe off that 'I didn't do nothing' face. You know how it bugs me" said Annabeth. Luke looked over at Mr.McClover and said " So that's just it? You're not gonna do anything about it Jeff?"  Mr. McClover sipped his soda and then shook his head " Nope." He took a bite from his burger and said " You were the one who stared it after all." Annabeth stuck her tongue out at Luke, obviously mocking him.

When we finished eating we threw away our now empty burger wraps and soda cups. We went outside to the parking lot and found out that our bus was gone and Angus was laying on the ground wrapped up in chains from his shoulders all the way down to his feet and he also had duck tape over his mouth. We ran over to him and started removing the chains and duck tape carefully. " Oh my Gods, what happened, Who did this to you?" asked Annabeth. " I don't know. I was in the bus waiting for you guys and i heard a loud noise coming from the back of the truck. I got out and went looking for whatever was making that noise and all of a sudden this huge dude, or girl, I wasn't sure, came out of nowhere and attacked me with a metal cylinder the size of a baseball bat and then when i woke up the truck was gone and i was wrapped up like this." Mr. McClover looked around the parking lot to see if there was anyone around.  " Well, we have to get back to Camp before anything else happens so we better get going." said Mr. McClover.

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