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We walked several miles up north. My legs were killing me. It was such a relieve when Thalia told me we were almost there, but then all my joy washed away when she said we had to walk up a huge hill and an even bigger field past that. When we finally arrived I couldn't believe my eyes. There were lots of trees and mountains and a huge lake and strawberry fields and tons of kids playing basketball, volleyball, tennis, battling with actual swords and spears and other weapons i'd never seen before. It was all so amazing and the view was beyond anything I'd ever seen before. " Nice huh" said Annabeth. I just nodded. I couldn't find any words worthy enough to describe this place. " Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." said Mr McClover.

Thalia showed me around while Annabeth and Luke went on and practiced their sword skills. We visited the weapons room, the main cabin , the outdoors amphitheater and the 12 cabins of the Gods. They were arranged in a U, with two at the base and five in a row on either side. And they were by far, the most bizarre collection of buildings i'd ever seen.Except for the fact that each had a large brass number above the door ( odds on the left side, evens on the right), they looked absolutely alike. Number nine had smokestacks, like a tiny factory. Number four had tomato vines on the walls and a roof made out of real grass. Seven seemed to be made of solid gold, which gleamed so much in the sunlight it was almost impossible to look at. They all faced a commons area about the size of a soccer field, dotted with Greek statues, fountains, flower beds, and a couple of basketball hoops. In the center of the field was a huge stone-lined fire pit. Even though it was a warm afternoon , the hearth smoldered.

The pair of cabins at the head of the field, number one and two, looked like his-and-hers mausoleums, big white marble boxes with heavy columns in front. Cabin one was the biggest and bulkiest of the twelve. Its polished bronze doors shimmered like a hologram, so that from different angles lightning bolts seemed to streak across them. Cabin two was more graceful somehow, with slimmer columns garlanded with pomegranates and flowers. The walls were carved with peacocks. Thalia told me those were Zeus and Hera's cabins. I told her the cabins looked empty and she nodded. She told me most of them were, no one ever stays in one or two. I didn't get why but I didn't ask either. As we walked past the cabins and into the forest one of the cabins caught my attention, number six. It was gray with an owl carved in the doorway and plain white curtains. I asked Thalia " Who's cabin is that?" I pointed at the cabin and she said " Oh that's Athena's cabin.

We kept walking into the forest and a few miles from where we were I could see something that looked like another cabin. Its walls were made of what looked like solid obsidian and there were torches that burned green fire. There was a skull carved in the doorway and the cabin looked brand new. I stared at it. As we got closer i noticed there was someone sitting on the front porche's floor, a boy. The closer we got, the better I could see his face. " That's cabin thirteen. Hade's cabin. They build it here just in case, so no one can get hurt. You can never trust a son of Hades, NEVER" said Thalia. We kept walking and the boy noticed us. He stood up and walked down the front steps. He came over and we stared At each other in surprise. No way , It can't be. He smiled at me and said " Hi Sarah, What are you doing here?" Yup, it was him. " You guys know each other?" Thalia asked. I could tell she didn't like or trust Alex just by the look in her face. " Yeah, we met yesterday actually. On my ride here." Said Alex not looking away from my face. " I was talking to her, not you, corpse breath so shut up!!!!" He gave her a deadly look. " Or what, u'll call your daddy and ask him to pulverize me with his little toy??? hahahaha I'm not scared of you little cus." Thalia stuck her tongue out at him. A girl then came out of the cabin. She dressed all black and she looked goth. Her skin was a bit tan and she had Black wavy hair that reached below her shoulders. She wore eyeliner all around her eyes Which you could barely see since her front hair pretty much covered her eyes. " That's my sister Raven. We're the only two kids in this cabin." said Alex. She came over and as soon as she noticed Thalia she asked " what is she doing here?" Thalia narrowed her eyes and Raven was about to take her down but Alex caught her by her shoulders. " Raven, this is Sarah, Thalia is just showing her around since she's new here" said Alex. " So, she's the one you told me about, huh?" Raven looked at me and said " Ever since he got here he hasn't stop talking about you. He's driving me crazy!!" I blushed a little. Alex gave Raven a deadly look and she asked " What?!?!? You know it's true." "Shut up Raven or i'm gonna -" He cut off mid sentence. " You're gonna what?, beat me up?, Well bring it brother and let's see who's gonna beat up who!!!" Alex glared at her with threading eyes and she just stuck her tongue out at him and then turned to me. " Well Sarah, it's nice to finally meet you." She looked at Thalia one more time then went back to her cabin. I looked at Alex and instantly noticed that his eyes had gone from piercing gray to bright aqua blue. I couldn't help the question " Hey are you wearing contact lens?" he studied me for a second then said " No, why?" " Oh no, it's just that i could've sworn that. last time i saw you eyes were piercing gray and they're blue now." He looked at me in silence for a minute then he said " Yeah, um, they tend to change color every one in a while." I nodded. I was dazed by his eyes. Again. Alex lowered his head and i instantly popped out of my daydream. Thalia gripped my arm and said " Come on Sarah, we have much better things to do than just stand here all day looking at Corpse-breath Jr. here." She dragged my away from Alex and back into the clearing.

She showed me a few more things but i wasn't paying much attention, my mind was somewhere else. She said she couldn't wait for the claiming tonight to see who was my godly parent. I don't know why but hearing that brought the picture of that woman i always see when i plan on how to get in trouble back to my mind. " Are you ok? You seem lost." said Thalia. " Yeah, i'm fine it's just, nothing, forget it." She kept her eyes on me for a second then went back to dragging me around the different places all around Camp.

It was getting dark and it was almost time for dinner according to Thalia. She then took me to one last place, The farm house.

There were two man sitting around a small round table playing a game of cards. The one facing us was small, but porky. He had a red nose, big watery eyes, and curly hair so black it was almost purple. He had a bored expression in his face like he'd been playing the same game for ages and still had the same bad luck. He apparently noticed us because he waved his hand in the air motioning us to come forward. We got closer and Thalia said " Mr. D, this is Sarah White, our newest camper."  

Mr. D looked up and as soon as he met my eyes he went into a complete state of shock, as if he couldn't believe I was here. And the weirdest thing is, when he spoke the words came out Greek and i'd understood him just fine as if he'd said each and every word in English. " The prophesy of the Oracle has come true : ' The Wise One will rise and a hew Hero will come to life.", he spoke. I was stunned. I'm not so sure what was that shocked me more; understanding what he'd just said or the prophesy itself. I turned to look at Chiron,searching for answers. As soon as he met my gaze he got the message and quickly looked away from my face. He then exchanged a look with Thalia and she just simply grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the cabins. She said I could stay in cabin 11 till I was claimed. Cabin 11 seemed to me like the closest thing to a regular looking cabin in this place. It was a plain light brown wooden box with a caduceus carved above the doorway. We went in and the first thing I noticed was the fact that cabin 11 might've been the most crowded cabin of all. There were so many kids,they barely fit in the room. Out of nowhere Luke came out of the crowd. as soon as he saw me he smiled and greeted me. He explained to me that cabin 11 was Hermes' cabin so every undetermined kid stayed there until they got claimed. "e then turned toward the other campers and called for their attention. " Hey guys, this is Sarah White, our newest camper." Everybody stared at me for a second in silence and then one guy called out " Regular or undetermined?" Luke answered " Undetermined." He then turned to me and said I could settle in wherever I wanted. Since there really weren'r many places to choose from I decided to go for the farest corner in the back of the room. While I laid my sleeping bag in my spot and settled in I heard a voice from behind. " Hi, I'm Aquamarine, welcome to cabin 11." When I turned around I saw three girls standing at the foot of my bed. The one in the middle was more or less around my age. she was a bit tan with shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. The one to her right was pail skinned with Hazel eyes and long blond hair. And the one to her left was tall, skinny , with long dark hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. I stood up and smiled, " Thanks." She smiled and said, " Nice to meet you. By the way this is my cousin Alaina" , she gestured at the blond girl. " and this is my best friend Laiah." she gestured at the other girl. I smiled and said hi. Laiah looked down at my opened bag and whispered in my ear, " If I were you I'd keep those safe. We've been here a couple of days and we've noticed theese people here are all front line thieves." I nodded and told her I'd watch out for my stuff. The other girl, Alaina, told me I should start getting ready for dinner. Aquamarine asked, " So who do you think is your godly parent?" I shook my head and said, " Good question, I have no idea." She smiled at me and said " Ok well, Alaina is right. You should get ready for dinner; its in 20 minutes and after dinner comes the claiming ceremony." I nodded and they turned away and left. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I thought ' Finally after all theese years, I'll know who I really am and who my mom is.' I changed my clothes to some black skinny jeans and a purple tank top and went out into the clearing with the rest of the group and into the mess hall.

I fell in love with my enemy...............Where stories live. Discover now